Other Fractal Sets
Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
12/5/00 Lecture #14 in Physics 505
: All assignments are due by 3:30 pm on Tuesday,
December 19th in my office or mailbox.
Comments on Homework
#12 (Correlation Dimension)
This was one of the harder assignments but most useful
Most people got a reasonable value of D2 = 1.21 ±
A few people got D2 < 1 (perhaps embedded in 1D ?)
Your Hénon C(r) should look like
this with 1000 data points
The D2 versus log r plot should approach
this with many data points
See also a detailed discussion of this
Review (last
week) - Multifractals
Tips for speeding up D2 calculation
Number of data points needed is N ~ 10 2 + 0.4D2
(Tsonis criterion)
Round-off errors descretize the state space and narrow scaling region
Superimposed noise makes dimension high at small r
Colored noise may be impossible to distinguish from chaos (conjecture)
Kolmogorov-Sinai (K-S) entropy
Sum of the positive Lyapunov exponents (Pesin Identity)
It is actually a rate of change of the usual entropy
Estimate: K = d log C(r)/dDE
in the limit of infinite DE
Multivariate data can be combined with intercalation
Filtering data should be harmless but often isn't
Missing data can be reconstructed but should not be ignored
Nonuniform sampling is OK if nonuniformity it deterministic
Lack of stationarity
dx/dt = F(x, y)
dy/dt = G(x, y, t)
dz/dt = 1 (non-autonomous slowly growing term)
Increases system dimension by 1
Increases attractor dimension by < 1
If t is periodic, attractor projects onto a torus
Can try to detrend that data
This is problematic
How best to detrend? (polynomial fit, sine wave, etc.)
What is interesting dynamics and what is uninteresting trend?
Take log first differences: Yn = log(Xn)
- log(Xn-1) = log(Xn/Xn-1)
Surrogate data
Generate data with same power spectrum but no determinism
This is colored noise
Take Fourier transform, randomize phases, inverse Fourier
Compare C(r), predictability, etc.
Many surrogate data sets allow you to specify confidence level
Most attractors are not uniformly dense
Orbit visits some portions more often than others
Local fractal dimension may vary over the attractor
Capacity dimension (D0) weights all portions
Correlation dimension (D2) emphasizes dense
q = 0 and 2 are only two possible weightings
Let Cq(r) = S
[ S q(r
- Dr) / (N - D)]q-1
/ (N - D + 1)
Then Dq = [d log Cq(r)/d
log r] / (q - 1)
Note: for q = 2 this is just the correlation dimension
q = 0 is the capacity dimension
q = 1 is the information dimension
Other values of q don't have names (so far as I know)
q can be negative (or non-integer)
There are (multiply) infinitely many dimensions
q = infinity is dimension of densest part of attractor
q = -infinity is dimension of sparsest part of attractor
All dimensions are the same if the attractor is uniformly dense
Otherwise, we call the object a multifractal
In general, dDq/dq < 0:
The K-S entropy can also be generalized
Kq = -log S piq
/ (q - 1)N
Summary of Time-Series
Verify integrity of data
Graph X(t)
Correct bad or missing data
Establish stationarity
Observe trends in X(t)
Compare first and second half of data set
Detrend the data
Take (log) first differences
Fit to low-order polynomial
Fit to superposition of sine waves
Examine data plots
Xi versus Xi-1
Phase space plots (dX/dt versus X)
Return maps (max X versus previous max X, etc.)
Poincaré sections
Determine correlation time or minimum of mutual information
Look for periodicities (if correlation time decays slowly)
Use FFT to get power spectrum
Use Maximum entropy method (MEM) to get dominant frequencies
Find optimal embedding
False nearest neighbors
Saturation in correlation dimension
Determine correlation dimension
Make sure log C(r) versus log r has scaling (linear)
Make sure result is insensitive to embedding
Make sure you have sufficient data points (Tsonis)
Determine largest Lyapunov exponent and entropy (if chaotic)
Determine growth of unpredictability
Try to remove noise if dimension is too high
Integrate data
Use nonlinear predictor
Use principal component analysis (PCA)
Construct model equations
Make short-term predictions
Compare with surrogate data sets
Time-Series Analysis
(using CDA)
Sine wave
Two incommensurate sine waves
Logistic map
Hénon map
Lorenz attractor
White noise
Mean daily temperatures
Standard & Poor's Index of 500 common stocks
Iterated Function Systems
2-D Linear affine transformation
Xn+1 = aXn + bYn
+ e
Yn+1 = cXn + dYn
+ f
Area expansion: An+1/An
= det J = ad - bc
Contraction: |ad - bc| < 1
Translation: e, f < > 0
Rotation: a = d = r cos q,
= -c = -r sin q
Shear: bd < > -ac
Reflection: ad - bc < 0
Such transformations can be extended to 3-D and higher
To make an IFS fractal:
Specify two or more affine transformations
Choose a random sequence of the transformations
Apply the transformations in sequence
Repeat many times
Helps to weight the probabilities proportional to |det J|
Examples of IFS fractals produced
this way
These were produced with two 2-D transformations
Can also use two 3-D transformations and color
the third D
Aesthetic preferences are for high LE
and high D2
Note that LE is actually negative (all directions contract)
Can also colorize by the number
of successive applications of each transform
IFS compression
With enough transformations, any image can be replicated
Method pioneered by Barnsley & Hurd
Barnsley started company, Iterated
Systems, to commercialize this
Used to produce images in Microsoft
Encarta (CD-ROM encyclopedia)
Uses the collage theorem to find optimal transformations
Compression is lossy and slow (proprietary)
10 - 100 x compressions are typical
Decompression is fast
Provides unlimited resolution (but fake)
IFS clumpiness test
Use time-series data instead of random numbers
Play the chaos game, for example with a square
Divide the range of data into 4 quartiles
Random data (white noise) fills the square uniformly
Chaotic data (i.e., logistic map) produces a pattern
The eye is very sensitive to patterns of this sort
This has been done with the sequence of 4 bases in DNA molecule
It can also be done with speech or music
Caution - colored noise (i.e., 1/f) also makes patterns

Mandelbrot and Julia
Non-Attracting Chaotic Sets
These sets ARE attracting
They are generally only transiently chaotic
Derivation from logistic equation
Start with logistic equation: Xn+1
= AXn(1 - Xn)
Define a new variable: Z = A(1/2 - X)
Solve for X(Z, A) to get: X =
1/2 - Z/A
Substitute into logistic equation: Zn+1
= Zn2 + c
Where c = A/2 - A2/4
Range (1 < A < 4) ==> -2 < c <
Zn+1 = Zn2
+ c is equivalent to logistic map
General the above to complex values of Z and c
Review of complex numbers
Z = X + iY, where i = (-1)1/2
Z2 = X2 + 2iXY - Y2
Separate real and imaginary parts
Xn+1 = Xn2
- Yn2 + a
Yn+1 = 2XnYn
+ b
where a = Re(c) and b = Im(c)
This is just another 2-D quadratic map
X, Y, a, and b are real variables
Orbits are either bounded or unbounded
Mandelbrot (M) set
Region of a-b space with bounded orbits with X0
= Y0 = 0
Orbit escapes to infinity if X2 + Y2
> 4 (circle of radius 2)
It's sometimes defined as the complement of this
There is only one Mandelbrot set
The "buds" in the M-set correspond to different periodicities
Usually plotted are escape-time contours
in colors
Each point in the M-set has a corresponding Julia set
The M-set is everywhere connected
Boundary of M-set is fractal with dimension = 2 (proved)
Area of set is ~ p/2
Points along the real axis replicate logistic map and exhibit chaos
Points just outside the boundary exhibit transient chaos
The chaotic region appears to be a set
of measure zero (not proved)
Boundary of M-set is a repellor
With deep zoom, M-set and J-set are identical
People have zoomed in by factors as large as 101600
Miniature M-sets are found at deep zooms
See the Mandelbrot Java applet written by Andrew
R. Cavender
Julia (J) sets
Region of X0-Y0 space with bounded
orbits for given a, b
Orbit escapes to infinity if X2 + Y2
> 4 (circle of radius 2)
This is sometimes called the "filled-in" Julia set
There are infinitely many J-sets
Usually plotted are escape-time contours
in colors
The J-sets correspond to points on the Mandelbrot set
J-sets from inside the M-set are connected
J-sets from outside the M-set are "dusts"
Boundary of J-set is a repellor
With deep zoom, J-set and M-set are identical
Fixed points of Julia sets
Z = Z2 + c ==> Z
= 1/2 ± (1 - 4c)1/2/2
These fixed points are unstable (repellors)
They can be found by backward iteration: Zn
= ± (Zn+1 - c)1/2
There are two roots (pre-images) each with two roots, etc.
Find them with the random iteration algorithm (cf: IFS)
The repelling boundary of J-set thus becomes an attractor
An example is the Julia dendrite
(c = i)
Generalized Julia sets
Applications of M-set and J-sets
None known except computer art
High traction shoe tread?