We each ate a single spoonful of "tarragon," the spice. I'm telling you all these details because perhaps they have some relevance to what happened next. (Actually, tarragon is an herb of the family Asteraceae, and I now know it contains the essential oil methyl chavicol. But I digress...)
Suddenly, several images appeared on the TV set. I was able to capture the images using my digital camera. I cropped some of the images below. You can see that the entities had a suprising diversity of forms. They may represent a collective of different creatures from various disparate locations in the universe.
![]() Mehujael, first appearance: 7:00 pm Listen to Mehujael speak (approximation) |
![]() Jabal 7:03 pm Listen to Jabal speak (approximation) |
![]() Lamech ~7:15 pm
![]() Zillah 7:17 pm Listen to Zillah speak (approximation) |
Each creature seemed to be an alien being, or perhaps a creature from another dimension. Their mouth parts barely moved. They spoke in English and they called themselves the Nephilim. There voices were difficult to understand. The voices were like whispers.
Each alien spoke his strange name and appeared on-screen for different amounts of time. For example, Mehujael stayed on screen the longest, about 10 seconds. The images repeated for the next few hours, and then normal TVs shows resumed.
I don't know what it all means, but I place this page on the Internet as a memoriam for the creatures who never returned. I don't know whether to be afraid or happy that I can finally share this with the world. Was this a hoax or true contact? If I did not have my digital camera ready, this all would have been lost. I was able to use various statistical methods to create a higher-resolution image based on several frames in a lower-resolution TV screen.
The Nephilim -- I'll call them Nephilim for now because that was the word they used -- told me that humans will have self-aware machines by the year 2020. The Nephilim have discovered that intelligence is an emergent property -- it appears spontaneously in systems of sufficient complexity. They say that the Internet itself will become a noncorporeal intelligence that will arise through random fluctuations in a network devoid of biology. This will be our path for understanding God.
But what were these beings really? Were they aliens? If so, from where? I recall psychologist William James' quote:
Our normal waking consciousness is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded. They may determine attitudes though they cannot furnish formulas, and open a region though they fail to give a map.
![]() Methushael 10:06 pm |
![]() Naamah 10:07pm |
From what I could tell of the whispers and static from the TV, the Nephilim, or aliens if you prefer that label, are seeding particular web pages with messages. The web pages are mostly those of scientists although some are religious web pages. Our goal is to find those pages. I do not know why they are being so abstruse.
This seems like nonsense, but I believe they said we could recite this prayer: "Oh, Nephilim, guide us, protect us. Make of us brilliant supernovae. Thou art the biblical giants, the all knowing, the ever present, the all seeing." But they made it clear then are not gods of any sort.
![]() |
They also said (as best as I can recall), "A planet does not know why it moves in a particular direction with a particular velocity. It feels an urge. Do it. Do it now. Of course, 'feel' may not be the right word. But the universe knows the reasons and the patterns behind all planetary motions. Humans know about gravitational laws because humans have lifted themselves out of their cradle to see beyond horizons. In 2020, humans will also know why the universe exists and who constructed it. The universe has been designed, and the clues lie in Diplopoda, Oxidus gracilis, Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33, and Job 38: 28-33." |
I believe that the Nephilim are monitoring human activity. They used a few strange sounding words, but it appears they have installed listening devices on telephone cables that run along the Gulf of Finland, next to Leningrad harbor, from the Soviet naval base at Sosnovyy Bor, to the military base at Zelenogorsk. They are watching at the NSA/Australian station at Pine Gap, at the Vint Hill Station in Manassas, Virginia, and numerous other key locations around the world.
I am sometimes asked why the Nephilim are watching us. What is their purpose? Some flavors of quantum mechanics suggest that a conscious observer is necessary to bring subatomic events into concrete reality. I have my doubts that this applies to macroscopic objects, but one theory is that the Nephilim are observing us to make us real. We need a conscious observer to "collapse the waveform" and validate our existence. The Nephilim have been watching and making us real since before the times humans were conscious, during the pre-australopithecine era -- that is, before the last half of the Late Miocene epoch (about eight to 5.3 million years ago) and the beginning of the Pleistocene epoch (around 1.6 million years ago).
Okay, I know most of this web page seems crazy to you. I know that Carl Sagan always said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." I agree. But, guess what, Carl? The Nephilim are here with us. On Earth. This web page is proof.
Their Words of WisdomI jotted down some of some of their words of wisdom.
Alien Exercises to Achieve EnlightenmentThe following exercises are intended to help the individual attain a greater degree of tranquility, enhance spatial perception, and improve creativity. The exercises should be practiced several times a week for best results. Several of the exercises have certain cautions that should be adhered to.
The first step in this exercise is to lie down upon a flat
surface (in the real world) and place a piece of material over your eyes
to exclude light. You are to imagine yourself floating upon the surface
of a small swimming pool. The only sense needed in this exercise is sight,
so turn off your other senses (in the dream-world) before continuing.
We can try to determine who else links to this page by selecting here and here. |
Aliens in the Bible
How many saints (below) have you
heard of? Are all of these people real?
A St. Aaron St. Abban St. Abban
of Murnevin St. Abban St. Abbo St. Abbo St. Abdas St. Abdiesus St. Abdon
St. Abel St. Abercius Marcellus St. Abibas St. Abibus St. Abilius St. Abra
St. Abraham St. Abraham St. Abraham St. Abraham of Carrhae St. Abraham
of Kidunaja St. Abraham of Kratia St. Abraham the Poor St. Abraham of Rostov
St. Abraham of Smolensk Sts. Abrahamites St. Abran St. Abudimus St. Abundius
St. Abundius St. Abundius St. Abundius St. Acacius St. Acacius St. Acacius
St. Acca St. Acepsimas St. Acepsimas St. Acestes St. Acharius St. Achatius
St. Achillas St. Achillas St. Achillas St. Achilleus St. Achilleus Kewanuka
St. Acisclus St. Acius St. Aceolus St. Acyndinus St. Ada St. Adalar St.
Adalard St. Adalbald of Ostrevant St. Adalbero Bl. Adalbero St. Adalbert
St. Adalbert of Magdeburg St. Adalbert of Prague St. Adalgis St. Adalgis
St. Adalgott St. Adalsindis St. Adalsindis St. Adam St. Adamnan St. Adamnan
of Coldingham St. Adauctus St. Adaucus St. Addal St. Adela St. Adela St.
Adela St. Adela St. Adelaide St. Adelaide St. Adelaide of Bellich St. Adelard
St. Adelelmus St. Adelina Bl. Adeline St. Adeloga St. Adelphus St. Adelphus
St. Adeodatus I Adeodatus II St. Aderald St. Adheritus St. Adjutor St.
Ado of Vienne St. Adolf of Osnabruck St. Adolphus St. Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa
St. Adrian St. Adrian St. Adrian St. Adrian Bl. Adrian Adrian II St. Adrian
III Adrian IV Adrian V St. Adrian, Abbot St. Adrian Fortescue St. Adrian
Van Hilvarenbeek St. Adrian III St. Adrio St. Adulf St. Aedesius St. Aedh
MacBricc St. Aelred of Rievaulx St. Aengus St. Afan St. Afra St. Afra St.
Africus St. Agabius St. Agabus St. Aganus St. Agape St. Agape St. Agapitus
St. Agapitus St. Agapitus St. Pope Agapitus I St. Agapius St. Agapius St.
Agatha St. Agatha Bl. Agatha Lin Bl. Agathangelo Noury St. Agathangelus
St. Agatho St. Agatho St. Agathoclia St. Agathopus St. Ageranus St. Agericus
St. Agia St. Agia St. Agilbert St. Agilberta St. Agileus St. Agilulfus
St. Agilus Bl. Agnello of Pisa St. Agnellus St. Agnellus of Pisa St. Agnes
St. Agnes of Assisi St. Agnes of Boheinia St. Agnes De St. Agnes of Montepulciano
St. Agnes of Poitiers St. Agnes of Rome Bl. Agnes Takea Bl. Agnes Tsao-kouy
St. Agobard St. Agrecius St. Agricola St. Agricolus St. Agrippina St. Agrippinus
St. Aibert St. Aichardus St. Aidan St. Aidan of Ferns St. Aidan of Lindisfarne
St. Aidric St. Aigulf St. Aigulf St. Ailbhe Groom Lake Area 51 X files
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