I thrust The Heaven Virus book through a software book crusher that digested the book in
seconds and spat out every word in the book, according to how often the word occurs. What a fascinating experiment!
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ick 9
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somehow 10
somewhere 10
spent 10
These words occurred twice in the book:
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udders 2
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yak 2
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yorktown 2
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zen 2
zevi 2
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‘in 2
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“where’s 2
“who’s 2
“yage 2
— 2
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ion 3
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popping 3
portal 3
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pouch 3
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pouted 3
practical 3
prayer 3
predicament 3
predict 3
prefer 3
prevents 3
primary 3
primitive 3
printed 3
prison 3
private 3
pro 3
product 3
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promised 3
proper 3
properties 3
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protection 3
psilocybin 3
psychedelics 3
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punch 3
puppet 3
puppeteer 3
pynchon 3
pythagorean 3
quadruple 3
quarters 3
quartz 3
que 3
quirky 3
quote 3
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racing 3
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rage 3
raising 3
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rare 3
rat 3
rational 3
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regular 3
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researchers 3
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retina 3
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richer 3
rid 3
riders 3
ridge 3
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ringed 3
ripped 3
rivers 3
robot 3
robust 3
roofs 3
rooms 3
rows 3
rpm 3
ruler 3
rummaged 3
rust 3
rustle 3
ruthlessly 3
safer 3
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sake 3
salmon 3
sandy 3
saucers 3
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scar 3
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scents 3
schools 3
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sensors 3
separated 3
sequence 3
series 3
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shampoo 3
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shit 3
shore 3
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sierpinski 3
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sincerely 3
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sir 3
sixty 3
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sleeve 3
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snow 3
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solids 3
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something’s 3
sons 3
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spark 3
spasmodically 3
spear 3
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sphere 3
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spinal 3
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spirit 3
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spots 3
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states 3
steel 3
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stephen 3
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stock 3
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strain 3
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studies 3
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suspected 3
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sweater 3
swedenborgian 3
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switch 3
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symbionts 3
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tag 3
tai 3
talents 3
tammy’s 3
tampering 3
tangle 3
tap 3
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tea 3
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teenager 3
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temporarily 3
tender 3
tentacle 3
terrestrial 3
terrorists 3
tetri 3
text 3
theorems 3
therefore 3
they’ve 3
threshold 3
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tied 3
tilted 3
title 3
titles 3
toes 3
tolerant 3
torso 3
torus 3
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tower 3
toys 3
tracks 3
tract 3
traffic 3
trail 3
trails 3
transcendence 3
transformation 3
translated 3
translinguistic 3
transportation 3
trapezoidal 3
trapped 3
traveler’s 3
treat 3
treatment 3
trek 3
trill 3
twin 3
twinkled 3
twisting 3
type 3
types 3
ultimate 3
uncertain 3
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underwear 3
undulating 3
unhappy 3
unholy 3
unique 3
unison 3
unreal 3
users 3
uses 3
usual 3
vague 3
valid 3
value 3
vegetation 3
venezuela 3
vertebra 3
vertebrae 3
via 3
vibrating 3
virtually 3
visited 3
visualization 3
visualize 3
vitamin 3
voices 3
von 3
vu 3
wailed 3
walled 3
walnut 3
watery 3
weirder 3
welcome 3
wetness 3
we’d 3
whining 3
whipped 3
whips 3
whomever 3
width 3
wiggled 3
willed 3
william 3
winked 3
wisdom 3
wise 3
wishes 3
wisps 3
woman’s 3
worked 3
worn 3
wrist 3
writer 3
writers 3
writings 3
y 3
yaks 3
yawned 3
yesterday 3
yourselves 3
you—you’re 3
zero 3
zoo 3
“actually 3
“although 3
“beautiful 3
“can’t 3
“charles 3
“consider 3
“decanoate 3
“devil’s 3
“die 3
“dmt 3
“each 3
“enjoy 3
“every 3
“everyone 3
“everything 3
“ha 3
“heaven 3
“it’s—it’s 3
“i’d 3
“miss 3
“more 3
“most 3
“must 3
“on 3
“ooh 3
“or 3
“ouch 3
“patience 3
“save 3
“shh 3
“show 3
“something’s 3
“strange 3
“time 3
“today 3
“uh 3
“unless 3
“wake 3
“whoa 3
“will 3
“woman 3
“yep 3
—douglas 3
—michael 3
These words occurred four times in the book:
eyeball 4
faced 4
facing 4
factory 4
fadool 4
falling 4
fancy 4
fans 4
fashioned 4
feeding 4
fern 4
fetid 4
fiction 4
fifteen 4
fifth 4
finds 4
fins 4
fish’s 4
fisshes 4
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flicked 4
flipped 4
flock 4
flowing 4
fluttered 4
fog 4
folded 4
fop 4
forelimb 4
fought 4
fowles 4
fragments 4
frith 4
frosted 4
funeral 4
fungi 4
funny 4
gagged 4
gaon 4
garment 4
gather 4
gears 4
gene 4
genetic 4
german 4
ghost 4
girl’s 4
glimmered 4
goo 4
goods 4
gorgeous 4
governments 4
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grassy 4
greenteeth 4
grimaced 4
grout 4
gruesome 4
guard 4
h 4
hall 4
hanging 4
happily 4
haven’t 4
hawkins 4
heading 4
healing 4
heavenly 4
helix 4
helps 4
highest 4
hill 4
hills 4
honey 4
hopes 4
hormone 4
horns 4
horrible 4
horseback 4
houses 4
hovering 4
hugging 4
hunk 4
icosahedron 4
identify 4
imagination 4
impatient 4
included 4
increased 4
indicated 4
indifferent 4
inhabited 4
inspired 4
instantly 4
intact 4
intellect 4
introduced 4
invented 4
involves 4
irish 4
isaac 4
issue 4
item 4
jacket 4
jah 4
jammin’ 4
jars 4
jaw 4
je 4
jewelry 4
jewels 4
joined 4
juice 4
jumping 4
kicking 4
kids 4
kiss 4
knees 4
knives 4
knowing 4
kung 4
lab 4
labyrinth 4
laden 4
languages 4
largest 4
launch 4
launched 4
leads 4
legged 4
lengths 4
leukemia 4
lighters 4
lilies 4
lingering 4
location 4
lock 4
log 4
losing 4
loss 4
luck 4
luckily 4
luminous 4
madam 4
magnifying 4
malls 4
mandelbrot 4
manners 4
marionettes 4
mark 4
marks 4
maroon 4
martial 4
marvin 4
matters 4
mature 4
mckenna 4
meal 4
meaning 4
medical 4
melt 4
member 4
membranes 4
metaphor 4
miles 4
mixture 4
molecular 4
molecules 4
mon 4
moon 4
morning 4
mosquito 4
moss 4
mosses 4
mostly 4
moth 4
mountain 4
narrow 4
nature 4
navasana 4
needles 4
neither 4
neocortex 4
nestled 4
nightmare 4
nightmares 4
nonsense 4
nor 4
nostrils 4
nowhere 4
occasional 4
oil 4
oozing 4
outstretched 4
outward 4
oxford 4
panting 4
paripurna 4
parmesan 4
parrots 4
passage 4
paul 4
peak 4
peephole 4
pendulums 4
people’s 4
perfume 4
periphery 4
permeated 4
perpetual 4
petted 4
philosopher 4
physics 4
pickover’s 4
piled 4
plain 4
plants 4
platform 4
platonic 4
playfully 4
plunged 4
poetry 4
porch 4
positions 4
potential 4
probe 4
progress 4
prophet 4
proportional 4
protected 4
protruding 4
prove 4
proved 4
provided 4
provides 4
prowess 4
psychedelia 4
psychological 4
puddles 4
punk 4
pure 4
puzzles 4
quality 4
quaoara 4
r 4
rafts 4
rapid 4
rapidly 4
rate 4
relationships 4
relax 4
replied 4
report 4
resources 4
response 4
resurrected 4
resurrection 4
reward 4
ride 4
rights 4
roaches 4
robert 4
rotting 4
ruby 4
ruins 4
rules 4
rump 4
rush 4
sac 4
sacs 4
salvation 4
sane 4
scalpel 4
scan 4
scare 4
scary 4
scene 4
scrambled 4
screams 4
screeched 4
sears 4
segment 4
segmented 4
sell 4
send 4
sets 4
shades 4
shadow 4
sheer 4
shelf 4
she’d 4
shimmering 4
shininess 4
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shower 4
shrieks 4
shrimp 4
shrouded 4
silently 4
silk 4
simulating 4
sit 4
situation 4
sizes 4
skeptic 4
skulls 4
slender 4
slightest 4
slipping 4
slowed 4
slug 4
smoking 4
snail 4
soar 4
soldiers 4
sorwe 4
sounding 4
speaking 4
specimens 4
spirals 4
splash 4
squares 4
squids 4
squirted 4
stained 4
starved 4
step 4
strangeness 4
strength 4
stretch 4
strike 4
stronger 4
struck 4
stump 4
subtle 4
suit 4
sunset 4
supplies 4
supply 4
support 4
surroundings 4
sushi 4
suspect 4
swimming 4
swirls 4
symphony 4
syndrome 4
tales 4
talky 4
teach 4
team 4
tensed 4
tentacles 4
termites 4
tetraodontidae 4
theorem 4
thigh 4
thrusters 4
thunder’s 4
tiffany 4
tiger 4
tinkling 4
tissues 4
tone 4
total 4
touching 4
towers 4
traces 4
trains 4
transition 4
transport 4
treetops 4
triangle 4
tricks 4
trust 4
tubes 4
tuned 4
twelve 4
typing 4
ultra 4
ulysses 4
unable 4
unbeatable 4
uncertainly 4
underneath 4
unexpected 4
united 4
unlikely 4
unto 4
upside 4
van 4
vanished 4
veined 4
velvet 4
version 4
versions 4
vilna 4
vocal 4
void 4
waking 4
walke 4
warrior 4
wars 4
washington 4
water’s 4
waxe 4
weirdness 4
wherever 4
whirlwind 4
wife 4
withdraw 4
withdrawing 4
won 4
wonders 4
worst 4
wriggled 4
writes 4
writhed 4
x 4
you’d 4
zebra 4
zeros 4
‘oh 4
’” 4
“according 4
“bad 4
“certainly 4
“help 4
“here’s 4
“isn’t 4
“jesus 4
“kill 4
“leucothea 4
“listen 4
“nothing 4
“pagoda 4
“people 4
“remember 4
“sounds 4
“spuyten 4
“tell 4
“too 4
“touch 4
“we’ll 4
“wolfchen 4
—robert 4
These words occurred five times in the book:
amygdala 5
answered 5
anti 5
appears 5
appreciate 5
approach 5
approaching 5
aquamarine 5
article 5
asia’s 5
aside 5
assumed 5
balance 5
bank 5
beads 5
beard 5
bed 5
billion 5
billions 5
bleeding 5
bolts 5
boyfriend 5
bracelets 5
breaker 5
breaking 5
brick 5
bug 5
bushes 5
buttons 5
bye 5
cages 5
california 5
cars 5
ceilings 5
chains 5
challenge 5
chandelier 5
channels 5
chewing 5
chip’s 5
chirped 5
circle 5
clasped 5
clearly 5
clung 5
colony 5
communicate 5
company 5
constant 5
contain 5
contemplating 5
corpse 5
corridors 5
crack 5
creepy 5
crunched 5
cupped 5
damp 5
danced 5
deeply 5
defense 5
degree 5
designs 5
desk 5
develop 5
devil’s 5
diameter 5
digits 5
dimethyltryptamine 5
discarded 5
discover 5
display 5
distant 5
douglas 5
dove 5
dragged 5
drained 5
drawn 5
drive 5
drop 5
drug 5
drugstore 5
earlier 5
east 5
editor 5
effort 5
elf 5
elongated 5
emanuel 5
emeralds 5
emotional 5
ends 5
equations 5
era 5
especially 5
evidently 5
experiments 5
exploded 5
exploring 5
exposed 5
exterior 5
fading 5
fairy 5
fan 5
fantasy 5
feathery 5
features 5
featuring 5
fed 5
feels 5
fight 5
finding 5
fists 5
flat 5
fleshy 5
flight 5
flood 5
floors 5
fluids 5
forget 5
fork 5
formula 5
forty 5
fos 5
fragrant 5
fresh 5
friday 5
fu 5
furry 5
games 5
garden 5
gazing 5
gel 5
genders 5
genes 5
gestured 5
ghosts 5
glenable 5
glistening 5
glmaterialfv 5
grown 5
guess 5
gum 5
handle 5
health 5
hearing 5
hidden 5
hiding 5
homes 5
hominids 5
hoped 5
hugged 5
humanoid 5
hurry 5
hyperspace 5
icy 5
illusion 5
immediately 5
immortality 5
individuals 5
instant 5
interview 5
introduce 5
invalid 5
inventor 5
irises 5
iron 5
jealousy 5
jenny 5
john 5
joy 5
joyce’s 5
jump 5
kinds 5
kisses 5
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kosher 5
landed 5
laugh 5
lazarus 5
leaf 5
learned 5
levitated 5
lie 5
lift 5
lightning 5
likes 5
limb 5
lime 5
lines 5
lining 5
littered 5
loud 5
lsd 5
madness 5
maintain 5
marble 5
martin’s 5
master 5
mate 5
materials 5
meeting 5
membrane 5
merged 5
messages 5
metaphors 5
mid 5
mine 5
miniature 5
mite 5
mobius 5
model 5
moderation 5
months 5
moose 5
moses 5
muscle 5
mystery 5
nails 5
nasal 5
natural 5
nearest 5
needed 5
needs 5
nerve 5
newspaper 5
obviously 5
offered 5
og 5
opposite 5
origami 5
ourselves 5
pages 5
panties 5
parasite 5
parrot 5
partially 5
pedrotallagalla 5
perceive 5
percent 5
permission 5
personal 5
phrase 5
plural 5
portuguese 5
practice 5
precise 5
precisely 5
present 5
previous 5
problems 5
processor 5
produces 5
program 5
programmers 5
projection 5
promise 5
properly 5
prophets 5
protein 5
provide 5
puffed 5
pulling 5
puppeteers 5
raccoon 5
rays 5
reading 5
realize 5
rear 5
reborn 5
reduce 5
relatively 5
relaxed 5
release 5
relief 5
remind 5
remnants 5
repeat 5
required 5
resemble 5
resolution 5
respect 5
reveal 5
revealing 5
rising 5
roared 5
route 5
saliva 5
salt 5
sang 5
save 5
scabbard 5
school 5
screen 5
screwdriver 5
selling 5
september 5
serious 5
shadowy 5
shamans 5
shattered 5
sheet 5
shelves 5
shimmered 5
shiver 5
shouldn’t 5
showing 5
silence 5
silvery 5
simulacrum 5
slapped 5
slid 5
sloshing 5
smaller 5
smart 5
smirked 5
smoked 5
snouts 5
songs 5
sorrow 5
sources 5
south 5
spaceship 5
sparked 5
speechless 5
speeds 5
spiders 5
spinning 5
spoken 5
standing 5
stayed 5
steak 5
strangely 5
street 5
strip 5
stuffed 5
stumbled 5
subject 5
sucking 5
sufficiently 5
sunlight 5
suppose 5
swayed 5
tarragon 5
tattooed 5
tattoos 5
taught 5
tear 5
technologies 5
teiresias 5
teja 5
temperature 5
tendrils 5
territory 5
terror 5
tesla 5
they’ll 5
throne 5
throughout 5
thunder 5
tight 5
tip 5
tough 5
toy 5
trailed 5
transformed 5
trapdoor 5
travel 5
traveling 5
triangular 5
tribe 5
trillion 5
trim 5
trouble 5
ugly 5
uncomfortable 5
undulated 5
unlike 5
uploading 5
uploads 5
upper 5
useful 5
v 5
variety 5
vessels 5
vonnegut 5
waist 5
warriors 5
weather 5
weeks 5
weight 5
west 5
whiptails 5
wiley 5
wonderland 5
wounds 5
“any 5
“got 5
“looks 5
“ms 5
“mycenae 5
“our 5
“she 5
“she’s 5
“there’s 5
“true 5
“young 5
“you’ll 5
These words occurred six times in the book:
dragonfly 6
draped 6
drifted 6
embedded 6
emerald 6
energy 6
environment 6
evil 6
exoskeleton 6
eyebrow 6
fabric 6
famous 6
fellow 6
female 6
figures 6
filaments 6
fingered 6
finished 6
fireflies 6
flapping 6
flowed 6
fops 6
forced 6
fourth 6
fox 6
french 6
frequency 6
gas 6
gates 6
gets 6
giggled 6
ginko 6
gland 6
gllightfv 6
goes 6
guts 6
guy 6
hardly 6
hardware 6
hindu 6
hippocampus 6
holy 6
hoping 6
hospital 6
hudson 6
hungry 6
hyper 6
identical 6
important 6
include 6
increase 6
indeed 6
individual 6
infinity 6
inserted 6
intelligence 6
intently 6
intertwined 6
ivory 6
j 6
job 6
jogged 6
joke 6
kurzweil 6
landscape 6
laser 6
laws 6
leader 6
levitate 6
lifelike 6
lighter 6
limited 6
limits 6
local 6
locked 6
lose 6
louder 6
mad 6
madison 6
magazines 6
magenta 6
magic 6
mahogany 6
main 6
mandibles 6
matrix 6
menu 6
mice 6
microprocessor 6
mile 6
millions 6
minor 6
mists 6
monkey 6
mouths 6
movements 6
movie 6
muscarine 6
network 6
neuromorphic 6
neuron 6
novelty 6
nuts 6
oak 6
ooze 6
option 6
ordinary 6
oscillated 6
oxide 6
paintings 6
particles 6
particularly 6
pearls 6
penetrated 6
perform 6
petals 6
philosophers 6
pie 6
pineal 6
pleasant 6
poster 6
powers 6
pray 6
pressure 6
project 6
protect 6
puddle 6
putting 6
re 6
received 6
reclined 6
recognized 6
reflected 6
regions 6
release—born 6
repeatedly 6
replaced 6
research 6
rested 6
result 6
retreated 6
revolution 6
rings 6
rippled 6
robots 6
rocks 6
roman 6
roots 6
round 6
rushed 6
scattered 6
seeing 6
seek 6
senses 6
sensory 6
shade 6
shapes 6
shovels 6
shuffled 6
shuffling 6
signals 6
simple 6
sister 6
skeleton 6
skeptical 6
slip 6
slurping 6
solar 6
sparks 6
spears 6
split 6
stable 6
stairs 6
star 6
strinkles 6
suggests 6
super 6
surfaces 6
surrounding 6
swirling 6
taste 6
tearing 6
telescope 6
theory 6
thomas 6
ticket 6
today’s 6
town 6
traditional 6
transparent 6
triple 6
trotted 6
trunk 6
tunnels 6
twice 6
underbrush 6
unusual 6
vaguely 6
veins 6
vibrated 6
video 6
vines 6
viruses 6
visible 6
visions 6
waited 6
whether 6
whisper 6
wired 6
works 6
worse 6
yours 6
zinc 6
“adam 6
“as 6
“at 6
“could 6
“excuse 6
“for 6
“glue 6
“gross 6
“have 6
“hold 6
“like 6
“madam 6
“pickover 6
“shut 6
“so 6
“would 6
“yeah 6
“you’ve 6
These words occurred seven times in the book:
mannequins 7
massive 7
mechanical 7
melted 7
mercedes 7
mere 7
mess 7
middle 7
miss 7
missing 7
mites 7
modern 7
money 7
morphed 7
motions 7
myristica 7
nerves 7
nora 7
novel 7
overhead 7
p 7
paced 7
palms 7
parking 7
passing 7
pay 7
pee 7
peeked 7
person’s 7
piezoelectric 7
plans 7
play 7
polished 7
poor 7
prayers 7
processes 7
protective 7
purred 7
queue’s 7
realized 7
recall 7
region 7
remaining 7
remembered 7
remove 7
respond 7
rumors 7
s 7
scale 7
screaming 7
sensitive 7
sent 7
serve 7
shake 7
shining 7
shock 7
shoe 7
shops 7
shut 7
since 7
skirt 7
slipped 7
smallest 7
smashed 7
spheres 7
spiritual 7
splashed 7
spread 7
square 7
staircases 7
stand 7
stem 7
stick 7
stomped 7
strings 7
study 7
stupa 7
sudden 7
suspended 7
tapping 7
tips 7
tired 7
traced 7
trip 7
understood 7
universes 7
w 7
waiting 7
wants 7
waters 7
web 7
wheels 7
wondering 7
worried 7
wrote 7
www 7
you’ve 7
“afterlife 7
“all 7
“buy 7
“deeper 7
“give 7
“interesting 7
“never 7
“nice 7
“perhaps 7
“shall 7
“sit 7
“something 7
“want 7
“weird 7
“we’ve 7
These words occurred eigth times in the book:
einstein 8
encounter 8
encountered 8
entering 8
entirely 8
etched 8
examine 8
explain 8
faster 8
final 8
flame 8
flow 8
focused 8
formulas 8
fragment 8
freedom 8
frogs 8
frozen 8
gift 8
gives 8
glfloat 8
glistened 8
glowing 8
gods 8
gray 8
hairs 8
happening 8
heavy 8
hide 8
hissed 8
holographic 8
inch 8
inhabitants 8
instead 8
interior 8
iq 8
islands 8
kalikistan 8
kekule 8
la 8
labeled 8
larger 8
leapt 8
length 8
listened 8
located 8
loki’s 8
maharaja 8
male 8
man’s 8
marionette 8
mass 8
members 8
merely 8
milk 8
mirror 8
moaned 8
month 8
mother 8
motionless 8
movement 8
mr 8
necklace 8
news 8
noises 8
north 8
notice 8
nudibroochers 8
offer 8
oozed 8
organ 8
pale 8
parallel 8
particular 8
per 8
photo 8
places 8
placing 8
poison 8
powerful 8
producing 8
public 8
published 8
puff 8
punched 8
quest 8
radio 8
rain 8
ray 8
readers 8
realm 8
remains 8
responded 8
rich 8
rise 8
rotated 8
sad 8
sauce 8
says 8
search 8
searching 8
section 8
shall 8
shape 8
shoved 8
sight 8
snake’s 8
solid 8
someday 8
sorts 8
sounded 8
soup 8
specular 8
static 8
stories 8
structures 8
sucked 8
sufficient 8
sun 8
swallowed 8
sweet 8
syrup 8
telling 8
temples 8
tibetan 8
traveled 8
trembling 8
trench 8
tunnel 8
turning 8
unfortunately 8
unknown 8
unpredictable 8
urine 8
vanilla 8
visit 8
war 8
wasps 8
weapon 8
weapons 8
wing 8
wires 8
wish 8
wonder 8
wrapped 8
yoga 8
“come 8
“damn 8
“keep 8
“may 8
“take 8
“very 8
“which 8
“wow 8
These words occurred nine times in the book:
mantis 9
mantises 9
maze 9
meets 9
module 9
moist 9
mosquitoes 9
mounted 9
o 9
odd 9
original 9
passion 9
peered 9
perception 9
pine 9
pit 9
plastic 9
pockets 9
point 9
portion 9
powder 9
quick 9
quietly 9
railing 9
ready 9
recent 9
revealed 9
robotic 9
roof 9
scream 9
shadows 9
share 9
silicon 9
sitting 9
slashed 9
sleeping 9
smooth 9
sparkled 9
spot 9
squinted 9
st 9
starting 9
status 9
stomach 9
straight 9
string 9
strong 9
sunny 9
teenagers 9
thank 9
third 9
thirty 9
thorax 9
truly 9
tv 9
twitched 9
upload 9
vision 9
vol 9
wafted 9
wait 9
wearing 9
whirlpool 9
writing 9
written 9
“ada 9
“god 9
“hey 9
“hi 9
“me 9
“sir 9
“sometimes 9
“think 9
“try 9
These words occurred ten times (etc) in the book:
spine 10
stare 10
state 10
steaming 10
studying 10
submerged 10
swung 10
synthetic 10
tail 10
taken 10
tears 10
thousand 10
thousands 10
tightly 10
translucent 10
trembled 10
usually 10
visual 10
week 10
westchester 10
whom 10
whose 10
wild 10
wiped 10
wonderful 10
wooden 10
wound 10
“follow 10
“of 10
“some 10
“stay 10
“these 10
ability 11
allow 11
angel 11
angels 11
antennae 11
apart 11
barely 11
base 11
based 11
beauty 11
bird 11
bottles 11
bottom 11
breeze 11
britney 11
brought 11
buy 11
cents 11
certainly 11
chocolate 11
clean 11
climbed 11
clutched 11
conversation 11
cycles 11
dimensional 11
disease 11
dot 11
dressed 11
dripped 11
english 11
fall 11
flying 11
forming 11
gently 11
giving 11
glided 11
happened 11
happy 11
headed 11
house 11
insectile 11
interested 11
jar 11
kill 11
leading 11
leaving 11
level 11
lived 11
makes 11
meat 11
metal 11
mushrooms 11
objects 11
oregano 11
organs 11
palm 11
pass 11
peace 11
perched 11
phone 11
plant 11
praying 11
pressed 11
problem 11
produced 11
quantum 11
quaoaran 11
race 11
random 11
reason 11
return 11
rigid 11
sand 11
scared 11
scratching 11
self 11
shovel 11
sides 11
similar 11
slow 11
smile 11
smiling 11
sofa 11
song 11
statues 11
steps 11
stone 11
stream 11
stroked 11
symbols 11
systems 11
t 11
tammy 11
there’s 11
thus 11
tonight 11
torn 11
track 11
upward 11
wake 11
wasp’s 11
ways 11
weren’t 11
whenever 11
woods 11
year 11
“does 11
“excellent 11
“sorry 11
“there 11
“watch 11
“well 11
afraid 12
ahead 12
alien 12
alone 12
available 12
bad 12
bells 12
belly 12
broken 12
cannibals 12
cannot 12
caught 12
chair 12
chest 12
children 12
church 12
colorful 12
complete 12
crawled 12
cried 12
cube 12
cut 12
descended 12
device 12
dozen 12
drugs 12
dying 12
edges 12
edition 12
ended 12
enjoy 12
enter 12
entered 12
eternity 12
exire 12
experiment 12
extended 12
faces 12
fade 12
fault 12
fist 12
fluid 12
forehead 12
frog 12
glowed 12
gone 12
grand 12
herself 12
higher 12
holding 12
hundreds 12
ideas 12
image 12
isn’t 12
language 12
letters 12
lit 12
machines 12
mild 12
monkeys 12
motion 12
named 12
numbers 12
odor 12
often 12
oobleck 12
parts 12
pattern 12
plate 12
poured 12
pretty 12
purpose 12
quivered 12
reach 12
resembling 12
ring 12
river 12
rolled 12
secret 12
seemingly 12
seven 12
sexual 12
shoes 12
shrugged 12
singing 12
snapped 12
sniffed 12
sparkling 12
special 12
speed 12
spoke 12
spuyten 12
squeezed 12
stones 12
stuff 12
tank 12
test 12
though 12
totally 12
tugged 12
university 12
wave 12
windows 12
“be 12
“hello 12
“i’ve 12
“just 12
“sure 12
“when 12
“ya’akov 12
age 13
akhui 13
animal 13
apparent 13
atop 13
b 13
beat 13
blinked 13
bookstore 13
bring 13
candy 13
care 13
cats 13
certain 13
difficult 13
dig 13
dreaming 13
dropped 13
early 13
earrings 13
either 13
else 13
empty 13
example 13
explore 13
fast 13
fingernails 13
floated 13
forms 13
fountain 13
giant 13
hour 13
hung 13
hurt 13
inc 13
known 13
lake 13
latest 13
leather 13
light0 13
mat 13
mental 13
mysterious 13
neurons 13
pain 13
painting 13
pascal’s 13
person 13
popular 13
presence 13
raft 13
raised 13
recently 13
remained 13
roses 13
scurried 13
she’s 13
shiny 13
shouted 13
slammed 13
snake 13
society 13
soft 13
souls 13
spines 13
spiral 13
sprouted 13
start 13
statue 13
survive 13
thanks 13
tore 13
waves 13
what’s 13
whooshing 13
women 13
yosef 13
“clam 13
“c’mon 13
“did 13
“go 13
“here 13
“in 13
“one 13
actually 14
art 14
attached 14
better 14
building 14
chrome 14
connections 14
dangerous 14
diffuse 14
dirt 14
during 14
e 14
elevator 14
exist 14
experiences 14
flew 14
friend 14
fungus 14
golden 14
hold 14
intelligent 14
joyce 14
kicked 14
kissed 14
lead 14
leaned 14
listening 14
loretto 14
magazine 14
matter 14
memories 14
metallic 14
million 14
minds 14
mist 14
naked 14
names 14
neural 14
normal 14
order 14
pagoda’s 14
pet 14
pointing 14
produce 14
rock 14
shoulders 14
signs 14
smelled 14
sorry 14
spend 14
stretched 14
substance 14
taking 14
thoroughfare 14
violet 14
wandered 14
warm 14
whatever 14
wind 14
wolfchen’s 14
working 14
wrong 14
yeshua 14
“can 14
“stop 14
“thanks 14
“they’re 14
“we’re 14
abdomen 15
access 15
answer 15
author 15
bible 15
cage 15
card 15
carried 15
clothes 15
computing 15
contained 15
cool 15
damn 15
days 15
dozens 15
duyvil 15
ears 15
everywhere 15
favorite 15
float 15
forward 15
fun 15
further 15
girls 15
grinned 15
guide 15
gwinnett 15
he’s 15
humans 15
inner 15
itself 15
i’d 15
jesus 15
late 15
lined 15
m 15
machine 15
monks 15
myself 15
nearly 15
object 15
office 15
oh 15
peekskill 15
restaurant 15
scientific 15
sharp 15
ship 15
shot 15
speak 15
species 15
surrounded 15
thrust 15
tube 15
twisted 15
view 15
weird 15
wide 15
wood 15
yes 15
young 15
“he’s 15
“that 15
“wait 15
almost 16
archaeopteryx 16
bone 16
claws 16
clothing 16
coproarium 16
corner 16
crazy 16
creature’s 16
di 16
emerged 16
error 16
flashed 16
flower 16
fractal 16
given 16
hips 16
hit 16
however 16
knowledge 16
knows 16
list 16
met 16
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n 16
others 16
palace 16
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pieces 16
poked 16
process 16
protruded 16
religious 16
rubbed 16
scientists 16
short 16
story 16
structure 16
swedenborg 16
throat 16
trivia 16
twenty 16
well 16
we’ve 16
whole 16
zebu 16
“he 16
“who 16
adam 17
anyone 17
braconid’s 17
branches 17
breakers 17
continue 17
crystal 17
deeper 17
electric 17
full 17
grasshoppers 17
imagined 17
insect 17
james 17
lady 17
leash 17
mathematics 17
meet 17
men 17
nudibroocher 17
pants 17
returned 17
shirt 17
smell 17
stars 17
thinking 17
window 17
worlds 17
ago 18
beings 18
below 18
c 18
case 18
charles 18
clam’s 18
color 18
easy 18
everything 18
follow 18
frowned 18
glue’s 18
having 18
hundred 18
imagine 18
interesting 18
jefferson 18
led 18
multiple 18
noticed 18
ocean 18
picked 18
piece 18
played 18
popped 18
psychedelic 18
pushed 18
rather 18
resembled 18
sea 18
silent 18
six 18
soul 18
station 18
told 18
towards 18
virtual 18
walk 18
wasn’t 18
won’t 18
“is 18
“i’ll 18
among 19
anubis 19
backed 19
bar 19
bones 19
brains 19
clouds 19
complex 19
control 19
details 19
died 19
doesn’t 19
elves 19
entire 19
existence 19
game 19
getting 19
hole 19
idea 19
lay 19
learn 19
materialized 19
memory 19
minute 19
move 19
neon 19
night 19
note 19
paper 19
raced 19
rohrflote 19
running 19
seems 19
shivered 19
shop 19
show 19
simulate 19
single 19
spun 19
staircase 19
stores 19
talk 19
taurine 19
tossed 19
touch 19
watching 19
wondered 19
worry 19
wouldn’t 19
yellow 19
yourself 19
“pascal 19
best 20
bottle 20
caused 20
central 20
century 20
cigarette 20
computers 20
escape 20
ever 20
except 20
grew 20
least 20
looks 20
music 20
page 20
pickover 20
po 20
pool 20
power 20
press 20
scent 20
sleep 20
stuck 20
supposed 20
tapped 20
technology 20
thick 20
thoughts 20
vast 20
virus 20
wanted 20
worm 20
“not 20
birds 21
cestodes 21
clear 21
club 21
cold 21
consciousness 21
disappeared 21
flowers 21
insects 21
lives 21
playing 21
run 21
skull 21
soil 21
system 21
“avril 21
“your 21
always 22
ask 22
ayla 22
become 22
code 22
course 22
decanoates 22
dr 22
enough 22
forever 22
great 22
growled 22
ice 22
kimmy 22
leucothea’s 22
lot 22
moving 22
occasionally 22
past 22
pink 22
purple 22
questions 22
reminded 22
set 22
threw 22
tile 22
together 22
top 22
went 22
“a 22
“and 22
“get 22
“now 22
“that’s 22
ancient 23
area 23
asked 23
basement 23
bit 23
bon 23
brown 23
change 23
create 23
dear 23
form 23
king’s 23
land 23
leaped 23
less 23
lips 23
map 23
path 23
possible 23
probably 23
quite 23
removed 23
seconds 23
sighed 23
simply 23
slightly 23
smoke 23
stooped 23
ten 23
themselves 23
understand 23
uploaded 23
watch 23
you’ll 23
“good 23
“they 23
across 24
alive 24
center 24
city 24
does 24
feeling 24
finally 24
fish 24
found 24
four 24
means 24
question 24
seen 24
staring 24
valley 24
“please 24
already 25
archaeopteryxes 25
couldn’t 25
different 25
formed 25
jumped 25
live 25
lost 25
muscarines 25
ones 25
quiet 25
shoulder 25
stay 25
talking 25
teeth 25
until 25
we’ll 25
wore 25
yet 25
“where 25
bowed 26
call 26
colors 26
covered 26
die 26
doors 26
eat 26
heart 26
insane 26
mitnal 26
please 26
position 26
read 26
rest 26
shaped 26
various 26
without 26
“let 26
“maybe 26
attention 27
carboline 27
doing 27
end 27
experience 27
feel 27
half 27
i’ve 27
king 27
knew 27
let’s 27
paused 27
science 27
scimitar 27
sex 27
thing 27
universe 27
using 27
york 27
“what’s 27
books 28
forth 28
gave 28
lifted 28
living 28
mathematical 28
tall 28
things 28
today 28
began 29
braconid 29
direction 29
distance 29
friends 29
onto 29
safe 29
simulations 29
studied 29
surface 29
that’s 29
walking 29
waved 29
work 29
’ 29
“thank 29
anything 30
exit 30
fact 30
faded 30
flesh 30
future 30
gl 30
grabbed 30
heads 30
leaves 30
number 30
seem 30
spider 30
stop 30
thin 30
worms 30
ada’s 31
cat 31
chapter 31
creatures 31
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gold 31
key 31
mean 31
open 31
passed 31
sign 31
silver 31
someone 31
tongue 31
turn 31
breath 32
hope 32
keep 32
later 32
making 32
part 32
sometimes 32
space 32
under 32
wasp 32
word 32
“if 32
“why 32
dark 33
dream 33
dreams 33
five 33
hear 33
i’ll 33
near 33
really 33
skin 33
upon 33
“oh 33
bodies 34
both 34
button 34
coming 34
decanoate 34
ear 34
hard 34
huge 34
low 34
own 34
stepped 34
used 34
wet 34
“it 34
“look 34
“okay 34
big 35
day 35
edge 35
far 35
fell 35
free 35
kimono 35
leg 35
lights 35
okay 35
queue 35
quickly 35
same 35
yelled 35
ceiling 36
chips 36
closed 36
finger 36
looking 36
moment 36
next 36
orange 36
withdrew 36
“how 36
beyond 37
close 37
last 37
liquid 37
old 37
patterns 37
placed 37
pupil 37
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those 37
train 37
within 37
able 38
arm 38
handed 38
himself 38
let 38
once 38
sense 38
size 38
tree 38
watched 38
appeared 39
got 39
nearby 39
neck 39
say 39
soon 39
tried 39
“my 39
“you’re 39
blood 40
bright 40
death 40
loki 40
pocket 40
stood 40
“are 40
“it’s 40
didn’t 41
food 41
gazed 41
good 41
kind 41
maybe 41
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started 41
sword 41
arms 42
being 42
eye 42
filled 42
give 42
green 42
inside 42
leave 42
must 42
am 43
approached 43
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book 43
called 43
every 43
laughed 43
opened 43
rose 43
why 43
wings 43
years 43
information 44
name 44
need 44
such 44
table 44
they’re 44
we’re 44
“but 44
continued 45
girl 45
second 45
stopped 45
times 45
try 45
voice 45
woman 46
blue 47
may 47
most 47
“no 47
asia 48
earth 48
front 48
high 48
mycenae 48
nothing 48
tiny 48
touched 48
“do 48
against 49
beneath 49
foot 49
forest 49
slowly 49
strange 49
tiles 49
trees 49
“miranda 49
“nick 49
became 50
might 50
minutes 50
moved 50
pipe 50
use 50
ran 51
going 52
love 52
“we 52
can’t 53
glass 53
you’re 53
above 54
take 54
creature 55
hell 55
mall’s 55
pulled 55
thought 55
wall 55
come 56
computer 56
outside 56
pipes 56
room 56
store 56
many 57
tell 57
believe 58
sure 58
deep 59
dmt 59
trying 59
between 60
fingers 60
place 60
side 60
walls 60
because 61
face 61
should 61
three 61
avril’s 62
closer 62
put 62
simulated 62
also 63
cestode 63
help 63
reached 63
black 64
hair 64
i’m 64
simulation 64
words 64
blowfish 65
much 65
shook 65
pagoda 66
perhaps 66
“don’t 66
behind 67
heard 68
toward 68
water 68
“let’s 68
felt 69
first 69
light 69
miranda’s 69
whispered 69
very 70
“this 70
software 71
suddenly 71
“yes 71
each 73
life 73
been 74
dead 74
door 74
after 75
left 75
legs 75
find 76
human 76
it’s 76
before 77
held 77
small 77
too 77
again 79
any 80
ground 80
make 80
red 80
air 81
even 81
heaven 81
leucothea 81
go 82
look 82
still 82
“i’m 82
mouth 83
right 83
white 83
large 84
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real 85
reality 85
screamed 85
off 86
while 86
feet 88
wolfchen 88
along 89
several 89
man 90
how 91
way 91
seemed 92
smiled 92
god 93
sound 93
never 94
two 94
something 95
brain 97
over 98
there 98
took 99
came 100
has 100
mind 101
new 101
pointed 101
stared 104
than 104
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did 105
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another 107
these 108
long 109
want 109
body 110
where 110
around 111
chip 111
only 111
other 111
turned 111
made 112
pascal 112
world 113
ada 115
who 115
just 118
little 125
floor 129
time 131
“the 131
get 132
people 136
saw 136
few 137
afterlife 138
our 139
see 139
down 140
“what 140
glue 144
away 145
“you 145
nodded 146
clam 147
think 149
here 151
now 160
don’t 164
no 166
hand 168
head 169
through 169
then 171
when 172
know 175
us 178
what 181
more 183
do 195
which 197
will 200
them 203
so 208
eyes 210
up 213
would 213
its 220
all 222
back 222
my 234
can 236
about 242
or 244
some 246
not 259
out 263
could 264
him 285
their 293
looked 301
your 305
one 315
“i 328
by 329
if 331
had 335
me 337
we 344
but 345
are 351
have 351
an 355
like 386
this 388
were 401
mall 405
they 414
be 420
as 423
into 440
for 491
i 586
from 606
avril 640
it 653
is 686
was 700
at 724
she 766
on 788
his 840
miranda 844
with 852
that 956
said 998
you 1027
he 1060
her 1067
nick 1464
in 1606
to 2343
of 2674
and 2882
” 3769
the 6138