I truly appreciate all the kind comments I have received regarding the Reality Carnival.
The good news is that we are nominated for a Webby Award.
If you enjoy our site, could you find it in your heart to
register and
click here
to vote in the "Weird" category? (After you vote, you can see the voting results.)
From time to time, I give out free books at the Reality Carnival. As a special thank-you, I'll give one of my books away, free and autographed, to two randomly-selected persons who vote for Reality Carnival at the Webby site in the next week or so. It's easy. Here's what you do:
1. Register and click here to vote in the "Weird" category. [The voting is now finished! Thanks for your support.]Thanks again. I appreciate all your kindness.
2. Post to my little bulletin board to tell me which of my books you want as a thank-you. You can also give suggestions for improving the Reality Carnival.
3. Within about two weeks, I'll send out a requested book to two random people who post in 2.