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"Lucid dreaming occurs when the dreamer knows that she is dreaming. It's among the most controversial areas of dream research, partly because of misperceptions over how much individuals can influence dreams -- or more importantly, whether they should. Yet proponents say lucidity is an important step in understanding dreams and creates a vital bridge between people's sleeping and waking states." -- Virginia Linn |
"The leading guru in this field is Stephen LaBerge, a psychophysiologist and research assistant at Stanford University who founded the independent Lucidity Institute in 1987. He believes the state of awareness one reaches during lucid dreaming is very much like that of being awake.
He's conducted experiments in which participants were instructed before going to sleep to give signals in eye or hand movements when they became lucid in their dreams. They would give these signals during REM sleep, which was confirmed with brain waves. Later experiments had participants performing certain exercises during lucid dreaming. Brain waves of the subjects performing the exercises while awake matched what they looked like during the time they provided signals during sleep.
With colleagues, he went on to develop electronic devices -- the NovaDreamer and SuperNova -- that give the dreamer a reminder during REM sleep to try to become lucid. The NovaDreamer (which sells for $493) is a sleep mask that emits a flashing light or sound cues when the user is dreaming -- detected by eye movement. This increases by threefold the dreamer's chances of becoming lucid, his studies showed."
The Nova Dreamer lets you control your dreams and penetrate new realities.
"Lucid Dreaming is knowing that you are dreaming while you are doing it. When you know that you are dreaming, you can also alter the dream course. And with practice you can also develop full control over your dream, you will be able to create and change the environment and change your own appearance. It will be you that are in control of the dream scenario. You can do whatever you want to do. Live out your wildest fantasy, or just sit down and chit chat with someone. You should also be open for the possibility to share dreams and travel in time and space when you develop adequate control over your dreams. The word Lucid means that you have a clear and full consciousness. And believe me when I say that Lucid Dreaming can be much more fun than waking reality." -- Intelegen Inc.