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![]() Mary Toft (painted in 1726 by the artist John Laguerre). |
Mary Toft was the Monica Lewinsky of the 1700s. Both women elicited an avalanche of media coverage, jokes, and national shame. Monica's story cast a bad light on American politics; Mary's affair placed the eighteenth-century London physicians in a bad light. Prepare yourself for a shattering odyssey as The Girl Who Gave Birth to Rabbits unlocks the doors of your imagination. Acclaimed author Dr. Clifford Pickover takes you to the ultimate frontier of medical speculation. With numerous illustrations, this is an original, fun-filled, and thoroughly unique introduction to eighteenth-century science and its metaphor for today's scientific superstitions and politics. For Mary, conspiracies are everywhere, the line between good and evil lost, and the consequences exceed her most unthinkable, private desires. |
"She gave birth
to rabbits, small ones or bits of rabbits anyway. Many people were fooled,
but Cliff Pickover, as intelligent as always, sorts out the different accounts,
and highlights that particular clue which begins to show how it was worked.
Immerse yourselves in this strange story, and experience many more oddities
that surround the pseudo-science of sex and sorcery. Cliff has given us
many anecdotes and illustrations too, which make this book a little museum
of this odd corner of human perversion."
-- Professor Jack Cohen, author of The Collapse of Chaos and Figments of Reality
"Pickover surpises
us once again with his eclectic and fascinating topics. At first you may
think he's gone to the extreme with The Girl Who Gave Birth to Rabbits
-- but the history, mystery and gullibility of the times make this another
type of puzzler."
-- Theoni
Pappas, author of Mathematical Scandals
Agpaoa, Tony, 139 Ahlers, Cyriacus, 30, 74-78, 142 Ahmed, Tasleem, 215 Aldridge, Henry, 201 Aldrovandus, Ulysses, 161-162 Alexander II, Pope, 99 Alfred, King, 45 Alien Autopsy, 194-195 aliens, 25, 195 Allen, Woody, 209 alligators in sewers, 16 Altamaha-Ha, 25-26 Amityville horror, 202 Amyand, Claudius, 122 amylophagia, 104 Anatomist Dissected, 143 animal coloration, 129 Antoinette, Marie, 158 apes, 84, 99 Arbuthnot, John, 147, 160 Arigo, Jose, 140 Aristotle, 6, 219 Armstrong, Karen, 11 Asimov, Isaac, 62, 117 Atholl, Earl of, 175-176 Augustus, Geroge, 55 Bach, Johann, 64 Baltimore, Lord, 134 Barnam, P.T., 20, 181 Bartholin, Thomas, 98, 101 Bat Boy, 25 bathouse, 122 bears, 218 Beaumont, William, 151-152 Beringer, John, 180-181 bestiality, 80, 81-97, Bible, animals and, 14, 23, 62, 82, 90, 155, 218 sex and, 6 Bigfoot, 25 Bills, Greg, 11 births, strange, 83 bladder, hog, 120 Blake, William, 34 Boerhaave, Hermann, 63 Bondeson, Jan, 11 Boswell, James, 97 Boy of Biston, 149 Brand (Mr.), 74 Brathwait, Thomas, 30 Bridewell prison, 136, 159, 185 Brown, John, 65 bulls, 84 Burton, Richard, 93 Butler, Samuel, 220 cadaver art, 178, 190 Caliban, 172-174 camels, 84 Cardiff giant, 20 Cassianus, Julius, 214 cavemen, 95 Chaos in Wonderland, 112 cheetahs,84 Chesterfield (Lord), 62 child abuse, 200 chorion, 77 chupacabras, 15, 25 Churchill, Winston, 23 CIA, 18 Clarges, Sir Thomas, 31, 132-134 clay eating, 105 collections, weird animal, 178-180 Conan Doyle, Arthur, 182, 203 coniophagia, 104 Cooke, Nicholas, 211 coprophagia, 104-106 Costen, Mary, 30, 77 Cottingley Fairies, 20, 203-204 cryptozoology, 25-27 Cullen, William, 65 D'Anteney (Mr.), 77 Dalai Lama, 214-215 Damian, St. Peter, 99 Dawson, Charles, 182 De Sade, Marquis, 84 Del Rio, Martin, 85 Deuteronomy, 218 devil fish, 18-20, 170 devil, 85 dinosaur fossils, 172, 181 Doctors in Labour, 39-40, 45 Doderlein, Theodorus, 102 - 103 dogs, 84, 96 Donaldson, Stephen, 47 donkeys,84 Dorothea, Sophia, 53-55, 58 Douglas, James, 30, 122-124, 129, 135, 161, 187 Drake, Warren, 95 Dubois-Desauule, Gaton, 84 dugong, 93 dung, rabbit, 71 Dunn, Charles, 213 earthworm, 196 eel, 71, 144, 218 egg, Christ message, 182 Eiffel Tower, 20 elephant, 97 Elizabeth I, 124 Esdras, 160, 188 Eskimos, 93, 106 Exact Diary, 142 Exodus, 6, 90 Fairies, Cottingley, 20, 203-204 fairy tales, 83 family tree, Toft, 37 Farmer, Philip, 106 feces eating, 105-106 Feejee mermaid, 181 feral children, 175-177, 190 fetal development, affect of women's emotions, 127 fish, guitar, 20 Ford, Henry fossils, 172, 180-181 Fowler, Oswald, 211 Fowles, John, 194 Fox sisters, 203 Fox TV, 194 Fox, Henry, 79 Fragonard, Jean-Honore, 16, 178 fringe science, 15 frog face, 167-168 frogs, vomiting, 100-103, 112 Gaiman, Neil, 48, 190 Galileo, 63 garadiavolo, 18, 170 Gardner, Edward, 203 Gardner, Martin, 61 geese, 84 Geisslerin, Catharina, 100-101 Genesis, 128 genetics, 129 geophagia, 104 George I, 29, 43, 45, 50-58, 76, 78, 146, 175 gerbils, 16 Gesner, Conradus, 170 giant, Cardiff, 20 Gill, Mary, 29, 40 giraffes, 84 Godalming, 31, 34-36 Gort, Wolf, 81, Gowdie, Isabel, 88 Guildford, 31, 48, 59 guitar fish, 20 Gulliver, Lemuel, 143 Hahnemann, Samuel, 65 Haley, Leah, 195 Hanivers, Jenny, 170 Harvey, William, 112 Heinlein, Robert, 217 Helena and Judith, 177 Helmes, Elizabeth, 77 Hervey, Lord John, 30, 79, 123-124 Hesse, Herman, 209 Heuvelmans, Bernard, 27 Hippocrates, 167 history, medicine, 63-66 Hitler, Adolf, 81 hoaxes, 15-20, 181-182, 195-196, 202-205 Hocker, Mike, 113 hog's bladder, 120 Hogan, James, 13 Hogarth, William, 160 homeopathy, 65 Hopkins, Matthew, 89-91 horses, 95-96 Howard, John, 29, 41-44, 70, 120, 144, 159, 187 Howard, Thomas, 30, 77, 132, 152 Hunter, John 66, 179, 191 Hunter, William, 66 hypnosis, 200 ice eating, 105 imp, 89, 91 Incas, 95 inoculation, 67 Inquisition, 85, 198 International Jew, 202 Isidore (St.), 218 Jacob, 128 James Randi, 137-138 Jeannine Parvati, 125 Jews, 192 Job (bible book), 82 Jones, William, 189 Keith, Arthur, 182 Kelmanns, Charolotte, 56 Kircher, Anathasius 172 Kishi, Greg, 113 Koch, Albert, 181 Laban, 128 Laguerre, John, 38, 147 Larousse, Pierre, 6 Law, John, 158 Lec, Stanislaw, 81 Leicester Fields, 122 Leicester Fields, 31 leopards,84 Leviticus, 14, 23, 62, 90, 155 Licetus, Fortunius, 162 Limborsch (Dr.), 30, 118, 132 Lind, James, 67 Linnaeus, 190 lioins, 219 llamas, 95 Loch Ness Monster, 25 London, 31 LSD, 16 lungs, rabbit, 69-70 Luther, Martin, 215 Maimo, 99 Manningham Richard, 118-122, 132, 141, 187 Mason (Mrs.), 30, 48, 131 masturbation, 212-213 Maubray, John, 30, 96, 126-127, 158 medicine, 63-66 Melusina, Ehrengard, 56 mermaid, Feejee, 181 Mesmer, Franz, 63 Meyfarth, Johann, 88 midwifery, 66, 127 Miller, Henry, 155 Minos, 99 minotaur, 99 Molyneux Samuel, 30, 45, 68, 187 Monboddo, James, 189-190 monkeys, 17, 84 Montagu, Duke of, 134 Morgagni, Giovanni, 66 multiple personality disorder, 200 museums, 97-98 nail vomitting, 149 Nichols, John, 57 Noah, 181 obsessive compulsive disorder, 102 obstetrics, 64, 66 okapi, 26 Onslow, Lord Thomas, 31, 131 Ortelius, Abraham, 169 pagophagia, 104-105 paranormal, belief in, 22 parasites, 106 Pare, Ambroise, 162-169 Pascal, Blaise, 47 Pasiphae, 99 Pasteur, Louis, 107-109 Pepys, Samuel, 97 Peter the Great, 16, 179 Peter the Wild Boy, 175-176, 189 Peterborough, Lord, 147 phagias (eating disorders), 104 pica, 105 pigs, 96, 99, 215 Piltdown man, 182 Pinel, Philippe, 63 Pinel, Philippe, 67 pit bulls, 96 placenta eating, 124-126 Plato, 6 Pliny the Elder, 97 Pope, Alexander, 147 Powers, Richard, 29 Pringle, John, 67 Prophecy, 160 Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 202 psychic surgery, 15, 137-140 rabbit, prices of, 124 raccoons, 96 Radford, Benjamin, 24 rape, 201 Rasmussen, Knud, 93 Raymo, Chet, 33 rectal objects, 104 Redi, Francesco, 107 repressed memories, 201 Rheinesius, Thomas, 100 Richardson, W. Mark, 13 Ricketts, Edward, 22 scientific method, 62 sea eagles, 169-172 Seutermann, Sigrun, 139 sex, among animals, 217-219 sex, with animals, 80, 81-97 Shakespeare, William, 172-174 shark heads, 172 Shaw, George, 82 Shepherd, Odell, 172 Simons, G., 84, 94-95 Sluperius, J., 169 smallpox, 66 snakes, 83,99 snouters, 20-21 Solomon, Howard, 157 Some Observations Concerning the Woman of Godlyman, 142 sooterkins, 16, 30, 96-97, 158 South Sea Company scandal, 145 Southcott, Joanna, 182-184 spiritualism, 203 Spock (Mr.), 48 spontaneous generation, 107 spoon bending, 15 St. Andre, Nathanael, 30, 37 "A Short Narrative," 78, 131, 140 decline of, 186-186 early life, 48-50, 57-58 first contact with Mary, 68 St. Martin, Alexis, 151-152 Stahl, Ernst, 63 stallions,84 Steinbeck, John, 22 Stensen, Niels, 172 stingray, 20, 170 stomach observations, 151 Stratford, WIlliam, 146 superstitions, animal, 217-219 modern, 200-201 sexual, 209-212 surgery, psychic, 15, 137-140 swallowing, obsessive, 102 Swift, Jonathan, 64, 175 Swinburne, Algernon, 95 syphilis, 191 The Thousand One Arabian Nights, 93 theriomorphism, 87 timeline, 31 Todd, Dennis, 11, 34, 134 Toft family tree, 37 Toft, Ann, 29, 135, 144 Toft, Joshua, 29, 36-37, 131 Toft, Margaret, 30, 132 Toft, Mary, 29 cat births, 41,144 college courses on, 157-158 confession, 135-136 death of, 186 in prison, 136, 159, 185-186 infection, 118 miscarriage, 40, 144 moved to London, 118, 122 physical appearance, 37-38 threats against, 135 Torquemada, 85 Tortula, 210 torture, 89, 198 Trinculo, 172-174 Truman, Harry, 118 Trungpa, Chogyam, 193 turkeys, 84 UFOs, 18, 25 unicorn, 172-173 vaginal capacity, 94 virgin birth, 183 Voltaire, 219 vomiting, frogs, 100-103, 112 nails, 149 von Guericke, Otto, 170 Vu Quang ox, 26 Walpole, Robert, 56 War of the Worlds, 196 Watters, Edward Weekly World News, 82 Wharton, Edith, 193 Whiston, William, 160 White Hart Inn, 77, 121 William, Frederick, 179 witchcraft, 79, 85-89, 92, 197-198 World Wide Web, 22 Worm, Ole, 97-98 worm, 196 xylophagia, 104 Yahoo, 22, 24 Yapp, Nick, 24 zebras, 84 Zebrowski, George, 193 Zuiyo-maru, 25
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