Lyapunov Exponents
Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
10/3/00 Lecture #5 in Physics 505
Comments on Homework
#3 (Van der Pol Equation)
Some people only took initial conditions inside the attractor
For b < 0 the attractor becomes a repellor (time reverses)
The driven system can give limit cycles and toruses but not chaos (?)
Can get chaos if you drive the dx/dt equation instead of
Review (last
week) - Dynamical Systems Theory
Types of attractors/repellors:
Equilibrium points (radial, spiral, saddle) 0-D
Limit cycles (closed loops) 1-D
2-Toruses (quasiperiodic surfaces) 2-D
N-Toruses (hypersurfaces) N-D
Strange attractors (fractal) Non-integer D
(Attractor dimension < system dimension)
Stability of equilibrium points:
Find equilibrium point: f(x) = 0 ==> x*,
Calculate partial derivatives fx etc. at equilibrium
Construct the Jacobian matrix J
Find the characteristic equation: det(J - l)
= 0
Solve for the D eigenvalues: l1,
Find the eigenvectors (if needed) from JR = lR
Stable and unstable manifold (inset & outset)
Organize the phase space
Plot position of eigenvalues in complex-plane
If any have Re(l) > 0, point is unstable
Index is number of eigenvalues with Re(l)
> 0
Dimension of outset = index
Volume expansion: dV/dt / V = l1
+ l2 + l3
+ ...
By convention, l1 > l2
> l3 > ...
An attractor has dV/dt < 0
Different rules for stability of fixed points for maps
In 1-D, X = X0ln
is stable if |l| < 1
In 2-D and higher, stable if all l are inside
unit circle
Bifurcations occur when l touches unit
Examples of chaotic dissipative flows in 3-D:
Driven pendulum
dx/dt = v
dv/dt = -sin x - bv + A sin wt
A = 0.6, b = 0.05, w = 0.7
Driven nonlinear oscillator (Ueda)
dx/dt = v
dv/dt = -x3 - bv + A sin
A = 2.5, b = 0.05, w = 0.7
Driven Duffing oscillator
dx/dt = v
dv/dt = x - x3 - bv
+ A sin wt
A = 0.7, b = 0.05, w = 0.7
Driven Van der Pol oscillator
dx/dt = v
dv/dt = -x + b(1 - x2)v
+ A sin wt
A = 0.61, b = 1, w = 1.1 (a torus)
Can get chaos with drive in dx/dt equation
Lorenz attractor
dx/dt = p(y - x)
dy/dt = -xz + rx - y
dz/dt = xy - bz
p = 10, r = 28, b = 8/3
Rössler attractor
dx/dt = -y - z
dy/dt = x + ay
dz/dt = b + z(x - c)
a = b = 0.2, c = 5.7
Simplest dissipative chaotic flow
dx/dt = y
dy/dt = z
dz/dt = -x + y2 - Az
A = 2.107
Other simple chaotic flows
General Properties of
Lyapunov Exponents
A measure of chaos (how sensitive to initial conditions?)
Lyapunov exponent is a generalization of an eigenvalue
Average the phase-space volume expansion along trajectory
2-D example:
Circle of initial conditions evolves into an ellipse
Area of ellipse: A = pd1d2
/ 4
Where d1 = d0el1t
the major axis
And d2 = d0el2t
the minor axis
Magnitude and direction continually change
We must average along the trajectory
As with eigenvalues, dA/dt / A = l1
+ l2
Note: l is always real (sometimes
base-2, not base-e)
For chaos we require l1
> 0 (at least one positive LE)
By convention, LEs are ordered from largest to smallest
l1 > l2 > l3 >
In general for any dimension:
(hyper)sphere evolves into (hyper)ellipsoid
One Lyapunov exponent per dimension
Units of Lyapunov exponent:
Units of l are inverse seconds for flows
Or inverse iterations for maps
Alternate units: bits/second or bits/iteration
Caution: False indications of chaos
Unbounded orbits can have l1
> 0
Orbits can separate but not exponentially
Can have transient chaos
Lyapunov Exponent for
1-D Maps
Suppose Xn+1 = f(Xn)
Consider a nearby point Xn + dXn
Taylor expand: dXn+1
= df/dX dXn
+ ...
Define el = |dXn+1/dXn|
= |df/dX| (local Lyapunov number)
Local Lyapunov exponent: l =
log |df/dX|
Can use any base such as loge (ln) or log2
Since df/dX is usually not constant over the orbit,
We average <log |df/dX|> over many iterations
For example, logistic map:
df/dX = A(1 - 2X), and
log |df/dX| is minus infinity at X = 1/2
l(A) has a complicated
There are infinitely many negative spikes
A = 4 gives l = ln(2) (or 1
bit per iteration)
Lyapunov Exponents for
2-D Maps
Suppose Xn+1 = f(Xn,
= g(Xn,
Area expansion: An+1 = Anel1+l2
(as with eigenvalues)
l1 + l2
= <log (An+1/An)> = <log
|det J|> = <log |fxgy - fygx|>
For example, Hénon
Xn+1 = 1 - CXn2
+ BYn [= f(X, Y)]
Yn+1 = Xn
[= g(X, Y)]
Alternate representation: Xn+1 =
1 - CXn2 + BXn-1
Note: This reduces to quadratic map for B = 0
Usual parameters for chaos: B = 0.3, C = 1.4
l1 + l2
= <log |fxgy - fygx|>
= log |-B| = -1.204 (base-e)
(or -1.737 bits per iteration in base-2)
Contraction is the same everywhere (unusual)
Numerical calculation gives l1
= 0.419 (base-e)
(or 0.605 bits per iteration in base-2)
Hence l2 = -1.204 - 0.419 = -1.623
(or -2.342 bits per iteration in base-2)
Lyapunov Exponents for
3-D Flows
Sum of LEs: Sl = l1
+ l2 + l3
= <trace J> = <fx + gy
+ hz>
Must be negative for an attractor (dissipative system)
This is the divergence of the flow
It is the fractional rate of volume expansion (or contraction)
For a conservative (Hamiltonian) system, sum is zero
For non-point attractors, one exponent must = 0
[corresponding to the direction of the flow]
For a chaotic system, one exponent must be positive
Start with any initial condition in the basin of attraction
Iterate until the orbit is on the attractor
Select (almost any) nearby point (separated by d0)
Advance both orbits one iteration and calculate new separation d1
Evaluate log |d1/d0| in any convenient
Readjust one orbit so its separation is d0 in same
direction as d1
Repeat steps 4-6 many times and calculate average of step 5
The largest Lyapunov exponent is l1
= <log |d1/d0|>
If map approximates an ODE, then l1
= <log |d1/d0|> / h
A positive value of l1 indicates

General character
of exponents in 3-D flows:
l1 |
l2 |
l3 |
Attractor |
neg |
neg |
neg |
equilibrium point |
0 |
neg |
neg |
limit cycle |
0 |
0 |
neg |
2-torus |
pos |
0 |
neg |
strange (chaotic) |
For flows in dimension higher than 3:
(0, 0, 0, -, ...) 3-torus, etc.
(+, +, 0, -, ...) hyperchaos, etc.
Kaplan-Yorke (Lyapunov)
Attractor dimension is a geometrical measure of complexity
Random noise is infinite dimensional (infinitely complex)
How do we calculate the dimension of an attractor? (many ways)
Suppose system has dimension N (hence N Lyapunov exponents)
Suppose the first D of these sum to zero
Then the attractor would have dimension D
(in D dimensions there would be neither expansion nor contraction)
In general, find the largest D for which l1
+ l2 + ... + lD
> 0
(The integer D is sometimes called the topological dimension)
The attractor dimension would be between D and D + 1
However, we can do better by interpolating:
DKY = D + (l1
+ l2 + ... + lD)
/ |lD+1|
The Kaplan-Yorke conjecture is that DKY agrees
with other methods
Multipoint interpolation doesn't work
2-D Map Example: Hénon map
(B = 0.3, C = 1.4)
l1 = 0.419 and l2
= -1.623
D = 1 and DKY = 1 + l1
/ |l2| = 1 + 0.419 / 1.623 = 1.258
Agrees with intuition and other calculations
3-D Flow Example: Lorenz Attractor (p = 10, r
= 28, b = 8/3)
Numerical calculation gives l1
= 0.906
Since it is a flow, l2 = 0
l1 + l2
+ l3 = <fx +
+ hz> = -p - 1 - b = -13.667
Therefore, l3 = -14.572
D = 2 and DKY = 2 + l1
/ |l3| = 2 + 0.906 / 14.572 =
Chaotic flows always have DKY > 2
[Chaotic maps can have any dimension]
Be sure orbit is bounded and looks chaotic
Be sure orbit has adequately sampled the attractor
Watch for contraction to zero within machine precision
Test with different initial conditions, step size, etc.
Supplement with other tests (Poincaré section, Power spectrum,
J. C. Sprott | Physics 505
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