Strange Attractors
Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
10/10/00 Lecture #6 in Physics 505
Comments on Homework
#4 (Lorenz Attractor)
Everyone did a good job
To get smooth graphs, make h smaller or connect the dots
Review (last
week) - Lyapunov Exponents
Lyapunov Exponents are a dynamical measure of chaos
There are as many exponents as the system has dimensions
dV/dt / V = l1
+ l2 + l3
+ ...
= <log |det J|> for maps
= <trace J> = <fx + gy
+ hz + ...> for flows
Where J is the Jacobian matrix
Sl must be negative for an attractor
Sl must be zero for a conservative
(Hamiltonian) system
For chaos we require l1
> 0 (at least one positive LE)
For 1-D Maps, l = <log |df/dX|>
2-D example, Hénon
Xn+1 = 1 - CXn2
+ BYn [= f(X, Y)]
Yn+1 = Xn
[= g(X, Y)]
Usual parameters for chaos: B = 0.3, C = 1.4
l1 + l2
= <log |fxgy - fygx|>
= log |-B| = -1.204 (base-e)
Numerical calculation gives l1
= 0.419 (base-e)
Hence l2 = -1.204 - 0.419 = -1.623
Fixed points at x* = y*
= -1.1313445 and x* = y* = 0.63133545
General character of Lyapunov exponents in flows:
(-, -, -, -, ...) fixed point (0-D)
(0, -, -, -, ...) limit cycle (1-D)
(0,0, -, -, ...) 2-torus (2-D)
(0, 0, 0, -, ...) 3-torus, etc. (3-D, etc.)
(+, 0, -, -, ...) strange (chaotic) (2+-D)
(+, +, 0, -, ...) hyperchaos, etc. (3+-D)
Numerical Calculation of Largest Lyapunov
Start with any initial condition in the basin of attraction
Iterate until the orbit is on the attractor
Select (almost any) nearby point (separated by d0)
Advance both orbits one iteration and calculate new separation d1
Evaluate log |d1/d0| in any convenient
Readjust one orbit so its separation is d0 in same
direction as d1
Repeat steps 4-6 many times and calculate average of step 5
The largest Lyapunov exponent is l1
= <log |d1/d0|>
If map approximates an ODE, then l1
= <log |d1/d0|> / h
A positive value of l1 indicates

Shadowing lemma: The computed orbit shadows some possible
Kaplan-Yorke (Lyapunov) Dimension
Attractor dimension is a geometrical measure of complexity
Random noise is infinite dimensional (infinitely complex)
How do we calculate the dimension of an attractor? (many ways)
Suppose system has dimension N (hence N Lyapunov exponents)
Suppose the first D of these sum to zero
Then the attractor would have dimension D
(in D dimensions there would be neither expansion nor contraction)
In general, find the largest D for which l1
+ l2 + ... + lD
> 0
(The integer D is sometimes called the topological dimension)
The attractor dimension would be between D and D + 1
However, we can do better by interpolating:
DKY = D + (l1
+ l2 + ... + lD)
/ |lD+1|
The Kaplan-Yorke conjecture is that DKY agrees
with other methods
2-D Map Example: Hénon map
(B = 0.3, C = 1.4)
l1 = 0.419 and l2
= -1.623
D = 1 and DKY = 1 + l1
/ |l2| = 1 + 0.419 / 1.623 = 1.258
Agrees with intuition and other calculations
3-D Flow Example: Lorenz Attractor (p = 10, r
= 28, b = 8/3)
Numerical calculation gives l1
= 0.906
Since it is a flow, l2 = 0
l1 + l2
+ l3 = <fx +
+ hz> = -p - 1 - b = -13.667
Therefore, l3 = -14.572
D = 2 and DKY = 2 + l1
/ |l3| = 2 + 0.906 / 14.572 =
Chaotic flows always have DKY > 2
Chaotic maps always have DKY > 1
Higher order interpolations are possible
Be sure orbit is bounded and looks chaotic
Be sure orbit has adequately sampled the attractor
Watch for contraction to zero within machine precision
Test with different initial conditions, step size, etc.
Supplement with other tests (Poincaré section, Power spectrum,
J. C. Sprott | Physics 505
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