Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
10/17/00 Lecture #7 in Physics 505
Comments on Homework
#5 (Hénon Map)
Everyone did fine
Many noted the large number of iterates required when zoming
in on the attractor
Only a couple of people had a good plot of the basin
of attraction
Review (last
week) - Strange Attractors
Kaplan-Yorke (Lyapunov) Dimension
DKY = D - (l1
+ l2 + ... + lD)
/ lD+1
where D is the largest integer for which l1
+ l2 + ... + lD
> 0
DKY = 1.258 for Hénon map (B = 0.3,
= 1.4)
DKY = 2.062 for Lorenz attractor (p = 10,
= 28, b = 8/3)
Chaotic flows always have DKY > 2
Hence we need visualization techniques
Chaotic maps always have DKY >
Why not use a multipoint interpolation?
Is chaos the rule or the exception?
Polynomial maps and flows
Artificial neural networks
Examples of strange attractors
Properties of strange attractors
Dimension of strange attractors
Strange attractors as general approximators
Strange attractors as objects of art
What is the "Most Chaotic"
2-D Quadratic Map?
This work is unpublished
Use genetic algorithm to maximize l1
for 12 parameters
Mate 2 chaotic cases (arbitrarily chosen)
Kill inferior offspring (eugenics)
Introduce occasional mutations
Replace parents with superior children
The answer? - 2 decoupled logistic maps!
Xn+1 = 4Xn(1 - Xn)
Yn+1 = 4Yn(1 - Yn)
This system has l1 = l2
= log(2) as expected
It is area expanding but folded in both directions
Its Kaplan-Yorke dimension is DKY = 2
Largest Lyapunov exponent generally decreases
with D
Complex systems evolve at the "edge of chaos"
Allows exploration of new regions of state space
But retains good short-term memory
Shift Map (1-D Nonlinear)
Start with logistic map: Xn+1 = 4Xn(1
- Xn)
Let X = sin2 pY
Then sin2 pYn+1
= 4 sin2 pYn (1
- sin2 pYn)
= 4 sin2 pYn
cos2 pYn
But 2 sin q cos q
= sin 2q (from trigonometry)
Hence sin2 pYn+1
= sin2 2pYn
Thus Yn+1 = 2Yn
(mod 1) (shift map)
"mod 1" means take only the fractional part of 2Yn
Caution: mod only works for integers on some compilers
In this case, use instead:
IF X >= 1 THEN X = X - INT(X)
IF X < 0 THEN X = INT(X) - X
Shift map is conjugate to the logistic map
(equivalent except for a nonlinear change of variables)
More specifically, this is a piece-wise linear map
Maps the unit interval (0, 1) back onto itself twice:
Involves a stretching and tearing
Lyapunov exponent: l = log(2)
Invariant measure (probability density) is uniform
Generates apparently random numbers in (0, 1)
But these numbers are strongly correlated (obviously)
Solution: Yn = 2nY0
mod 1
Why is it called a "shift map"?
Represent initial condition in binary: 0.1011010011...
Or in (left/right) symbols: RLRRLRLLRR...
Each iteration left-shifts by 1: 1.011010011...
Mod 1 discards the leading 1: 0.011010011...
The sequence is determined by the initial condition
Only irrational initial conditions give chaos
Any sequence of RL's can be generated
Computer hint: Use Xn+1 = 1.999999Xn
mod 1
Dynamics are similar in the tent map:

Computer Random Number
A generalization of the shift map: Yn+1
= (AYn + B) mod C
A, B, and C must be chosen optimally (large
A is the number of cycles
B is the "phase" (horizontal shift)
C is the number of distinct values
Example: A = 1366, B = 150889, C = 714025
There are many other choices (see Knuth)
Must also choose an initial "seed" Y0
This is called a "linear congruential generator"
Lyapunov exponent: l = log(A)
(very large)
Numbers produced this way are pseudo-random
The sequence will repeat after at most C steps
In QuickBASIC the numbers repeat after 16,777,216 = 214
The repetition time is much longer in PowerBASIC
Cycle time can be increased with shuffling
Intermittency - Logistic
Map at A = 3.8284
This is just to the left of the period-3
Dynamics change abruptly from period-3 to chaos
Time series (Xn versus n):
This is a result of a tangent bifurcation(Xn+3
versus Xn)
Can be understood by the cobweb diagram
Orbit gets caught for many iterations in a narrow channel
This is the intermittency route to chaos (cf: transient
Bifurcations - General
A qualitative change in behavior at a critical parameter
Observation of a bifurcation verifies determinism
Flows are often analyzed using their maps (Poincaré
Local - involves one or more equilibrium points
Global - equilibrium points appear or vanish
Continuous (subtle) - eigenvalues cross unit circle
Discontinuous (catastrophic) - eigenvalues appear or vanish
Explosive - like catastrophic but no hysteresis
(occur when attractor touches the basin boundary)
There are dozens of bifurcations, many not discovered
Terminology is not precise or universal (still evolving)
Transcritical Bifurcation
A simple form where a stable fixed point becomes unstable
Or an unstable point becomes stable
Example: Fixed points of logistic map
X* = 0, 1 - 1/A
At A = 1, stability of points switch
Exchange of stability between two fixed points
Pitchfork Bifurcation
This is a local bifurcation
Stable branch becomes unstable
Two new stable branches are born
Happens when eigenvalue of fixed point reaches +1
This usually occurs when there is a symmetry in the problem
Flip Bifurcation
As above but solution oscillates between the branches
This is the common period-doubling route to chaos
As occurs in the logistic map at 3 < A < 3.5699
Happens when eigenvalue of fixed point reaches -1
Can double and then halve without reaching chaos
Can occur only in maps (not flows)
Tangent (or Saddle-Node or Blue Sky) Bifurcation
This was previously discussed under intermittency
Provides a new route to chaos
This is also a local bifurcation
It is sometimes called an interior crisis
Basic mechanism for creating and destroying fixed points
Catastrophe (1-D example)
Cubic map: Xn+1 = AXn(1
- Xn2)
Anti-symmetric about Xn = 0 (allows negative
Catastrophe occurs at A = 271/2/2 = 2.59807...
where attractors collide
This system is exhibits hysteresis (decrease in A can leave
< 0)
Also occurs in two back-to-back logistic maps
Can also have infinitely many attractors
Process equation: Xn+1 = Xn
+ A sin(Xn)
Fixed points: X* = n pi for n = 0, +
1, +2, ...
Attractors collide at A = 4.669201...
Orbits diffuse in X for A > 4.669201...
Hopf Bifurcation
A stable focus becomes unstable and a limit cycle is born
Example: Van der Pol equation at b = 0
This bifurcation is local and continuous
It occurs when complex eigenvalues touch the unit circle
Niemark (or Secondary Hopf) Bifurcation
A stable limit cycle becomes unstable and a 2-torus is born
The Poincaré section exhibits a Hopf bifurcation
Main sequence (quasi-periodic route to chaos)
fixed point --> limit cycle --> 2-torus --> chaos
N-torus with N > 2 not usually seen (Piexito's Theorem)
(3-torus and higher are structurally unstable)
This contradicts the Landau theory of turbulence
(turbulence is a sum of very many periodic modes)
Also called the Newhouse-Ruelle-Takens route
Probably the most common route to chaos at high-D
J. C. Sprott | Physics 505
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