Hamiltonian Chaos
Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
10/24/00 Lecture #8 in Physics 505
This is probably the most technically difficult
lecture of the course.
Comments on Homework
#6 (Lyapunov Exponent)
Not everyone had a good graph of LE versus
for B = 0.3
Some had numerical troubles with unbounded orbits (C > 1.42)
BASIC code for doing part 3 has been put
on the WWW
Review (last
week) - Bifurcations
Bifurcation is a qualitative change in behavior at a critical
parameter value
Observation of a bifurcation verifies determinism
Flows are often analyzed using their maps (Poincaré
Local - involves single equilibrium points
Global - equilibrium points appear or vanish
Continuous (subtle) - eigenvalues cross unit circle
Discontinuous (catastrophic) - eigenvalues appear or vanish
Explosive - like catastrophic but no hysteresis
(occur when attractor touches the basin boundary)
There are dozens of bifurcations, many not discovered
Terminology is not precise or universal (still evolving)
Transcritical Bifurcation
Pitchfork Bifurcation
Flip Bifurcation
Tangent (or Saddle-Node or Blue Sky) Bifurcation
Catastrophe (1-D example)
Hopf Bifurcation
Niemark (or Secondary Hopf) Bifurcation
A stable limit cycle becomes unstable and a 2-torus is born
The Poincaré section exhibits a Hopf bifurcation
Main sequence (quasi-periodic route to chaos)
fixed point --> limit cycle --> 2-torus --> chaos
N-torus with N > 2 not usually seen (Piexito's Theorem)
(3-torus and higher are structurally unstable)
This contradicts the Landau theory of turbulence
(turbulence is a sum of very many periodic modes)
Also called the Newhouse-Ruelle-Takens route
Probably the most common route to chaos at high-D
Hamiltonian Systems -
Introduction and Motivation
These are systems that conserve mechanical energy
They have no dissipation (frictionless)
They are of historical interest and importance
Examples (all from physics):
Planetary motion (recall 3-body problem)
Charged particles in magnetic fields
Incompressible fluid flows (liquids)
Trajectories of magnetic field lines
Quantum mechanics
Statistical mechanics
A Case Study - Mass on
a Spring (frictionless)
dx/dt = v
dv/dt = -(k/m)x
This system has 1 spatial dimension (1 degree of freedom)
It has a 2-D phase space however
Solution: kx2 + mv2 =
constant (conservation of energy)
Hamiltonian: H = kx2/2 + mv2/2
(total energy)
kx2/2 is the potential energy (stored in spring)
mv2/2 is the kinetic energy (energy of motion)
Let k = m = 1 for simplicity
Given the Hamiltonian, we can get the equations of motion:
dx/dt = dH/dv
= v
dv/dt = -dH/dx
= -x
where d is the partial derivative
The motion occurs along a 1-D curve in 2-D space
This curve is not a limit cycle (it is a center)
Such a system cannot exhibit chaos (even if driven)
Hamilton's Equations
(N Dimensions)
Generalize the above ideas to dimensions N > 1:
dqi/dt = dH/dpi
(q is a generalized coordinate)
dpi/dt = -dH/dqi
(p is a generalized momentum = mv)
p and q constitute the phase space for
the dynamics
N-dimensional dynamics have a 2N-dimensional phase space
pi and qi (for i
= 1 to N) are the phase space variables
Note: dH/dt = dH/dp
dp/dt + dH/dq
dq/dt = 0
H is a constant of the motion (Hamiltonian)
There may be other constants (say a total of k)
The dynamics are constrained to a 2N - k dimensional
Hamiltonian's equations are just another dynamical ODE system:
dq/dt = f(p, q)
dp/dt = g(p, q)
Note: dV/dt / V = trace J = fq
+ gp + ...
= d/dq
+ d/dp
+ ... = 0
Phase-space volume is conserved
Properties of Hamiltonian
They have no dissipation (frictionless)
There are one or more conserved quantities (energy, ...)
They are described by a Hamiltonian function H
There are 2N dimensions for N degrees of freedom
Motion is on a 2N - k dimensional (hyper)surface
k + 1 Lyapunov exponents are equal to zero
There are no attractors (or attractor = basin)
Transients don't die away (no need to wait)
Equations are time-reversible
Orbit returns arbitrarily close to the initial condition
Phase-space volume is conserved (Liouville's theorem)
The flow is incompressible (like water)
The Lyapunov exponents sum to zero
Chaos can occur only for N > 1 (at least 2 degrees
of freedom)
The dynamics occur in a space of integer dimension
This space may be a (fat)
fractal however (many holes)
2-D Symplectic (Area-Preserving)
Xn+1 = f(Xn, Yn)
Yn+1 = g(Xn, Yn)
An+1/An = |det J|
= |fxgy - fygx|
= 1
Example: Hénon map with B = 1
Xn+1 = 1 - CXn2
+ Yn
Yn+1 = Xn
An+1/An = |0 - (1)(1)| =
Computer demo (C = 0.3)
More general polynomial symplectic map:
Xn+1 = A + Yn + F(Xn)
Yn+1 = B - Xn
One choice of F is C1 + C2X
+ C3X2 + ...
Verify that this has An+1/An
= |det J| = 1
Slide show from Strange
Attractors book
Stochastic web maps:
These occur for charged particle in EM wave
Xn+1 = a1 + [Xn
+ a2sin(a3Yn + a4)]cos
+ Ynsin a
Yn+1 = a5 + [Xn
+ a2sin(a3Yn + a4)]sin
+ Yncos a
where a = 2p/N
(N is an integer)
Verify that this has An+1/An
= |det J| = 1
l1 is positive but small
Exhibit minimal chaos or Arnol'd diffusion
Examples: case 1
(N = 9) / case 2 (N
= 5)
Simple Pendulum (2-D
Conservative Flow)
dx/dt = v (v is really an angular
dv/dt = -sin x (x is really an
For x << 1, sin x --> x and orbits
are circles around a center:
More generally equilibria are at v* = 0, x* = Np
(where N is an integer, N = 0, ±1, ±2,
±3, ...)
Phase space trajectories:
O-points (centers) and X-points (saddle points)
Separatrix (homoclinic orbit) separates trapped (elliptic)
and passing (hyperbolic) orbits
Homoclinic orbits are sensitive to perturbations
Chirikov (Standard) Map
Start with the pendulum equations:
Solve by the leap-frog method:
vn+1 = vn - h1sin
xn+1 = xn + h2vn+1
Leap frog is symplectic if fx = gv
= 0
Let q = x/2p,
r = v/2p, h1
= K, h2 = 1:
2prn+1 = 2prn
- K sin(2pqn)
2pqn+1 = 2pqn
+ 2prn+1
rn+1 = [rn - (K/2p)
sin(2pqn)] mod 1
qn+1 = [qn
+ rn+1] mod 1
K is the nonlinearity parameter
This system also models ball bouncing on vibrating floor
Animation of Chirikov

J. C. Sprott | Physics 505
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