Time-Series Properties
Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
10/31/00 Lecture #9 in Physics 505
Comments on Homework
#7 (Poincaré Sections)
Some people's Poincaré sections were obviously not correct
Increasing the damping generally decreases the attractor dimension, eventually
leading to a limit cycle.
Sample results for 0 < b < 0.4
Review (last
week) - Hamiltonian Chaos
Properties of Hamiltonian (Conservative) Systems
They have no dissipation (frictionless)
There are one or more (k) conserved quantities (energy, ...)
They are described by a Hamiltonian function H
whose partial derivatives d
gives the dynamical equations:
dx/dt = dH/dv
dv/dt = -dH/dx
There are 2N dimensions for N degrees of freedom
Motion is on a 2N - k dimensional (hyper)surface
k + 1 Lyapunov exponents are equal to zero
There are no attractors (or attractor = basin)
Transients don't die away (no need to wait)
Equations are time-reversible
Trajectory returns arbitrarily close to the initial condition
Phase-space volume is conserved (Liouville's theorem)
The flow is incompressible (like water)
The Lyapunov exponents sum to zero
Chaos can occur only for N > 1 (at least 2 degrees
of freedom)
The dynamics occur in a space of integer dimension
This space may be a (fat) fractal however (infinitely many holes)
Example - Chirikov (Standard) Map
rn+1 = [rn - (K/2p)
sin(2pqn)] (mod 1)
qn+1 = [qn
+ rn+1] (mod 1)
K is the nonlinearity parameter
This system also models ball bouncing on vibrating floor
Animation of Chirikov

Example - Simplest conservative chaotic flow
dx/dt = y
dy/dt = z
dz/dt = x2 - y - B
For B less than about 0.05
Poincaré section for B =
Time-Series Analysis
- Introduction
This is the second major part of the course
Previously shown: simple equations often have complex behavior
This suggests: complex behavior may have a simple cause
We move from a theoretical to an experimental viewpoint
Applications of time-series analysis:
Prediction, forecasting (economy, weather, gambling)
Noise reduction, encryption (communications, espionage)
Insight, understanding, control (butterfly effect)
Time-series analysis is not new
Some things are new:
Better understanding of nonlinear dynamics
New analysis techniques
Better and more plentiful computers
Time-series analysis is more art than science
There are few sure-fire methods
We generally need a battery of tests
It's easy to fool yourself
The literature is full of false claims of chaos
New algorithms are constantly being developed
"Is is chaos?" might not be the right question
Hierarchy of Dynamical
(adapted from F. C. Moon)
Regular predictable behavior (planets, clocks, tides)
Regular unpredictable behavior (tossing a coin)
Transient chaos (pinball machine)
Intermittent chaos (logistic equation)
Narrow-band (almost periodic) chaos (Rössler attractor)
Broad-band low-dimensional chaos (Lorenz attractor)
Broad-band high-dimensional chaos (Mackey-Glass system)
Correlated (colored) noise (random walk)
Pseudo-randomness (computer RND function)
Random (non-deterministic) white noise (radio static)
Superposition of several of the above (weather, stock market)
Examples of Experimental
Time Series
Xn iterates from an iterated map (i.e., logistic
x(t) sampled at regular intervals for flow (i.e.,
Lorenz attractor)
Population growth (plants, animals)
Meteorological data (temperature, etc.)
El Niño (Pacific ocean temperature)
Seismic waves (earthquakes)
Tidal levels (good example of N-torus)
Astrophysical data (sunspots, Cephids, etc.)
Fluid fluctuations / turbulence (plasmas)
Financial data (stock market, etc.)
Physiological data (EEG, EKG, etc.)
Epidemiological data (diseases)
Music and speech
Geological core samples
Sequence of ASCII codes (written text)
Sequence of bases in DNA molecule
Many others ...
Center of mass of standing human
Interval between footsteps
Reaction time intervals
Necker cube flips
Eye movements
Human metronome (tap your foot)
Attempted human randomness
Imitate radioactive decay (Geiger counter)
Write a list of "random numbers"
Generate a random sequence of bits (0, 1)
Click mouse at random points on a line
or in a circle or within a square
The independent variable may not be time, but space, frequency,
Practical Considerations
You may not know the dynamical variables
(or even how many of them there are)
You may not have experimental access to them
You may only have a short time record
The record is usually sampled at discrete times
The sample rate may not be chosen optimally
The sample time may be non-uniform
(or some data samples may be missing)
The data are subject of measuring and rounding errors
The system may be contaminated by noise
The signal may be filtered by the detector
The system may not be stationary (bull market)
Case Study
Two similar signals (one random,
one chaotic)
Random signal (Gaussian white noise)
Add N pseudorandom numbers uniform in 0 to 1
(called "uniform deviates")
Subtract their average (N/2)
For large N, the result is a Gaussian (normal) distribution
with a standard deviation of (N/6)1/2
For many purposes N = 6 suffices, but maximum value is only 3.
Chaotic signal (logit transform of logistic map)
Generate sequence of iterates from Xn+1
= 4Xn(1 - Xn)
Transform each iterate by loge[X/(1 - X)]
Result approximates a Gaussian distribution
But it is obviously chaotic (1-dimensional)
(since it came from the logistic map)
Conventional linear analysis
Assume signal is sum of sine waves (Fourier modes)
Example: looking for "cycles" in stock prices
Look at power spectrum P(f)
Highest f is Nyquist frequency: fmax
= 1/2Dt
(Dt is the time interval between
data samples)
If Dt is too large, aliasing can
Lowest f is approximately: fmin = 1/NDt
(N is the number of data points)
If N is too small, data may not be stationary
White noise has P(f) = constant
Chaos (i.e., logistic map) can also have
= constant
Hence, this is a bad method for detecting chaos
It works well for limit cycles (like van
der Pol case)
and for N-torus (2 sine
waves or 3 sine waves, etc.)
which can be hard to distinguish
from chaos
Instead, look at the return maps
(Xn+1 versus Xn)
Autocorrelation Function
Calculating power spectrum is difficult
(Use canned FFT or MEM - see Numerical
Autocorrelation function is easier and equivalent
Autocorrelation function is Fourier transform of power spectrum
Let g(t) = <x(t)x(t+t)>
(< ... > denotes time average)
Note: g(0) = <x(t)2> is
the mean-square value of x
Normalize: g(t) = <x(t)x(t-t)>
/ <x(t)2>
For discrete data: g(n) = S
/ S Xi2
Two problems:
i + n cannot exceed N (number of data points)
Spurious correlation if Xav = <X> is
not zero
Use: g(n) = S (Xi
- Xav)(Xi+n - Xav)
/ S (Xi - Xav)2
Do the sums above from i = 1 to N - n
Examples (data records of 2000 points):
Gaussian white noise:
Logit transform of logistic equation:
Hénon map:
Sine wave:
Lorenz attractor (x variable step size 0.05):

A broad power spectrum gives a narrow correlation function
and vice versa
Colored (correlated) noise is indistinguishable
from chaos
Correlation time is width of g(t)
function (call it tau)
It's hard to define a unique value of this width
This curve is really symmetric about tau = 0 (hence width is 2 tau)
0.5/tau is sometimes called a "poor-man's Lyapunov exponent"
Noise: LE = infinity ==> tau = 0
Logistic map: LE = loge(2) ==> tau
= 0.72
Hénon map: LE = 0.418 ==> tau = 1.20
Sine wave: LE = 0 ==> tau = infinity
Lorenz attractor: LE = 1.50/sec = 0.075/step ==>
tau = 6.67
This really only works for tau > 1
Testing this would make a good student project
The correlation time is a measure of how much "memory" the
system has
From the correlation function g(n), the power spectrumP(f)
can be found:
P(f) = 2 S g(n)
(ref: Tsonis)
Time-Delayed Embeddings
How do you know what variable to measure in an experiment?
How many variables do you have to measure?
The wonderful answer is that (usually) it doesn't matter!
Example (Lorenz attractor):
Plot of y versus x:
Plot of dx/dt versus x:
Plot of x(t) versus x(t-0.1):
These look like 3 views of the same object
They are "diffeomorphisms"
They have same topological properties (dimension, etc.)
Whitney's embedding theorem says this result is general
Taken's has shown that DE = 2m
+ 1
m is the smallest dimension that contains the attractor
(3 for Lorenz)
DE is the maximum time-delay embedding
dimension (7 for Lorenz)
This guarantees a smooth embedding (no intersections)
This is the price we pay for choosing an arbitrary variable
Removal of all intersections may be unnecessary
Recent work has shown that 2m may be sufficient (6 for Lorenz)
In practice m often seems to suffice
Example (Hénon viewed in various ways):
There is obvious folding, but topology is preserved
How do we choose an appropriate DE (embedding
Increase DE until topology of attractor (dimension) stops
This may require more data than you have to do properly
Saturation of attractor dimension is usually not excellent
Example: 3-torus (attractor
dimension versus DE , 1000 points)
Can also use the method of false nearest neighbors:
Find the nearest neighbor to each point in embedding DE
Increase DE by 1 and see how many former nearest neighbors
are no longer nearest
When the fraction of these false neighbors falls to nearly zero, we have
found the correct embedding
How do we choose an appropriate Dt
for sampling a flow?
In principle, it should not matter
In practice there is an optimum
Rule of thumb: Dt ~ tau / DE
Vary Dt until tau is about DE
(3 to 7 for Lorenz)
A better method is to use minimum mutual information
J. C. Sprott | Physics 505
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