Nonlinear Prediction and Noise Reduction
Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
11/7/00 Lecture #10 in Physics 505
Comments on Homework
#8 (Chirikov Map)
Everyone had something that resembles Chirikov map
The map is not normally plotted in polar coordinates despite r and
Here's the first few iterations for a square of initial conditions:
Hard to verify area conservation numerically,
but the stretching is very evident
Easy to verify area conservation analytically:
rn+1 = [rn - (K/2p)
sin(2pqn)] mod 1 = f(r,
qn+1 = [qn
+ rn+1] mod 1 = [qn
+ rn - (K/2p) sin(2pqn)]
mod 1 = g(r, q)
An+1/An = |det J|
= |frgq - fqgr|
= 1
Review (last
week) - Time-Series Properties
Introductory comments
Time-series analysis more art than science
Allows prediction, noise reduction, physical insight
Easy to get wrong answers
Hierarchy of Dynamical Behavior
Examples of Experimental Time Series
Numerical experiments
Real moving systems
Abstract dynamical systems
Non-temporal sequences
Practical Considerations
What variable(s) do you measure?
How much data do you need?
How accurately must it be measured?
What is the effect of filtering?
What if the system is not stationary?
Case Study
Autocorrelation Function
Calculating power spectrum is difficult
(Use canned FFT or MEM - see Numerical
Autocorrelation function is easier and equivalent
Autocorrelation function is Fourier transform of power spectrum
Let g(t) = <x(t)x(t+t)>
(< ... > denotes time average)
Note: g(0) = <x(t)2> is
the mean-square value of x
Normalize: g(t) = <x(t)x(t-t)>
/ <x(t)2>
For discrete data: g(n) = S
/ S Xi2
Two problems:
i + n cannot exceed N (number of data points)
Spurious correlation if Xav = <X> is
not zero
Use: g(n) = S (Xi
- Xav)(Xi+n - Xav)
/ S (Xi - Xav)2
Do the sums above from i = 1 to N - n
Examples (data records of 2000 points):
Gaussian white noise:
Logit transform of logistic equation:
Hénon map:
Sine wave:
Lorenz attractor (x variable step size 0.05):

A broad power spectrum gives a narrow correlation function
and vice versa
[cf: the Uncertainty Principle (tDf
~ 1)]
Colored (correlated) noise is indistinguishable
from chaos
Correlation time is width of g(t)
function (call it tau)
It's hard to define a unique value of this width
This curve is really symmetric about tau = 0 (hence width is 2 tau)
0.5/tau is sometimes called a "poor-man's Lyapunov exponent"
Noise: LE = infinity ==> tau = 0
Logistic map: LE = loge(2) ==> tau
= 0.72
Hénon map: LE = 0.419 ==> tau = 1.19
Sine wave: LE = 0 ==> tau = infinity
Lorenz attractor: LE = 0.906/sec = 0.060/step ==>
tau = 8.38
This really only works for tau > 1
Testing this would make a good student project
The correlation time is a measure of how much "memory" the
system has
g(1) is the linear correlation coefficient (or "Pearson's
It measures correlation with the preceding point
If g(1) = 0 then there is no correlation
White (f 0) noise:
If g(1) ~ 1 then there is strong correlation
Pink (1/f) noise:
If g(1) < 0 then there is anti-correlation
Blue (f 2) noise:
(This was produced by taking the time derivative of white noise)
From the correlation function g(n), the power spectrumP(f)
can be found:
P(f) = 2 S g(n)
(ref: Tsonis)
Time-Delayed Embeddings
How do you know what variable to measure in an experiment?
How many variables do you have to measure?
The wonderful answer is that (usually) it doesn't matter!
Example (Lorenz attractor - HW #10):
Plot of y versus x:
Plot of dx/dt versus x:
Plot of x(t) versus x(t-0.1):
These look like 3 views of the same object
They are "diffeomorphisms"
They have same topological properties (dimension, etc.)
Whitney's embedding theorem says this result is general
Taken's has shown that DE = 2m
+ 1
m is the smallest dimension that contains the attractor
(3 for Lorenz)
DE is the minimum time-delay embedding
dimension (7 for Lorenz)
This guarantees a smooth embedding (no intersections)
This is the price we pay for choosing an arbitrary variable
Removal of all intersections may be unnecessary
Recent work has shown that 2m may be sufficient (6 for Lorenz)
In practice m often seems to suffice
Example (Hénon viewed in various ways):
There is obvious folding, but topology is preserved
How do we choose an appropriate DE (embedding
Increase DE until topology of attractor (dimension) stops
This may require more data than you have to do properly
Saturation of attractor dimension is usually not excellent
Example: 3-torus (attractor
dimension versus DE , 1000 points)
Can also use the method of false nearest neighbors:
Find the nearest neighbor to each point in embedding DE
Increase DE by 1 and see how many former nearest neighbors
are no longer nearest
When the fraction of these false neighbors falls to nearly zero, we have
found the correct embedding
Example: 3-torus
How do we choose an appropriate Dt
for sampling a flow?
In principle, it should not matter
In practice there is an optimum
Rule of thumb: Dt ~ tau / DE
Vary Dt until tau is about DE
(3 to 7 for Lorenz)
A better method is to use minimum
mutual information (see Abarbanel)
Summary of Important
Configuration space (number of independent dynamical variables)
Solution manifold (the space in which the solution "lives" - an
Attractor dimension (fractional if it's a strange attractor)
Kaplan-Yorke (Lyapunov) dimension
Hausdorff dimension
Capacity dimension (see below)
Information dimension
Correlation dimension (next week)
... (infinitely many more)
Observable (1-D for a univariate time series: Xi)
Reconstructed (time-delayed) state space (can be chosen arbitrarily)
Time-delayed embedding (the minimum time-delayed state space that
preserves the topology of the solution)
Nonlinear Prediction
There are many forecasting (prediction) methods:
Extrapolation (fitting data to a function)
Moving average (MA) methods
Linear autoregression (ARMA)
State-space averaging (see below)
Principal component analysis (PCA)
(also called singular value decomposition - SVD)
Machine learning / AI (neural nets, genetic algorithms, etc.)
Conventional linear prediction methods apply in the time domain
Fit the data to a mathematical function (polynomial, sine,
The function is usually not linear, but assume that the equations
governing the dynamics are (hence no chaos)
Evaluate the function at some future time
This works well for smooth and quasi-periodic data
It (usually) fails badly for chaotic data
Nonlinear methods usually apply in state space
Lorenz proposed this method for predicting the weather
Example (predicting next term in Hénon map - HW #
We know Xn+1 = 1 - CXn2
+ BXn-1
In a 2-D embedding, the next value is unique
Find M nearest points in Xn-Xn-1
Calculate their average displacement: DX
= <Xn+1 - Xn>
Use DX to predict next value in
time series
Repeat as necessary to get future time steps
Sensitive dependence will eventually spoil the method
Growth of prediction error crudely gives the Lyapunov exponent
Example (Hénon map average error):
If LE = 0.604 bits/iterations, error should double every 1.7 iterations
Saturation occurs after error grows sufficiently
The method also can remove some noise
Predict all points not just next point
Need to choose DE and M optimally
Alternate related method is to construct f(Xn,
This improves noise reduction but is less accurate
Best method is to make a local function approximation
Usually linear or quadratic functions are used
This offers best of both worlds but is hard to implement
and slow
Lyapunov Exponent of
Experimental Data
We previously calculated largest LE from known equations
Getting the LE from experimental data is much more difficult (canned
routines are recommended - See Wolf)
Finding a value for LE may not be very useful
Noise and chaos both have positive LEs (LE = infinity
for white noise)
Quasiperiodic dynamics have zero LE, but there are better
ways to detect it (look for discrete power spectrum)
The value obtained is usually not very accurate
Conceptually, it's easy to see what to do:
Find two nearby points in an embedding DE
Follow them a while and calculate <log(rate of separation)>
Repeat with other nearby points until you get a good average
There are many practical difficulties:
How close do the points have to be?
What if they are spuriously close because of noise?
What if they are not oriented in the right direction?
How far can they safely separate?
What do you do when they get too far apart?
How many pairs must be followed?
How do you choose the proper embedding?
It's especially hard to get exponents other than the largest
The sum of the positive exponents is called the entropy
Capacity Dimension
The most direct indication of chaos is a strange attractor
Strange attractors will generally have a low, non-integer dimension
There are many ways to define and calculate the dimension
We already encountered the Kaplan-Yorke dimension, but it requires
knowledge of all the Lyapunov exponents
A more direct method is to calculate the capacity dimension (D0)
Capacity dimension is closely related to the Hausdorff dimension
It is also sometimes called the "cover dimension"
Consider data representing a line and a surface embedded
in 2-D
The number of squares N of size d required to cover the line
(1-D) is proportional to 1/d
The number of squares N of size d required to cover the surface
(2-D) is proportional to 1/d2
The number of squares N of size d required to cover a fractal
(dimension D0) is proportional to 1/dD0
Hence the fractal dimension is given by D0
= d log(N) / d log(1/d)
This is equivalent to D0 = -d log(N)
/ d log(d)
Plot log(N) versus log(d) and take the slope
to get D0
Example (2000 data points from Hénon
map with DE = 2)
This derivative should be taken in the limit d --> 0
The idea can be generalized to DE > 2 using (hyper)cubes
Many data points are required to get a good result
The number required increases exponentially with D0
J. C. Sprott | Physics 505
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