Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
11/14/00 Lecture #11 in Physics 505
Comments on Homework
#9 (Autocorrelation Function)
There was a certain confusion about the notation
The autocorrelation function of Lorenz is ~ 6 x 0.05 = 0.3 seconds

Review (last
week) - Nonlinear Prediction and Noise Reduction
Autocorrelation Function
g(n) = S (Xi
- Xav)(Xi+n - Xav)
/ S (Xi - Xav)2
Correlation time is width of g(n) function (call it
tau can be taken as the value of n for which g(n)
= 1/e = 37%
0.5/tau is sometimes called a "poor-man's Lyapunov exponent"
From the correlation function g(n), the power spectrumP(f)
can be found:
P(f) = 2 S g(n)
(ref: Tsonis)
Time-Delayed Embeddings
(Almost) any variable(s) can be analyzed
Create multi-dimensional data by taking time lags
May need up to 2m + 1 time lags to avoid intersections
where m is the dimension of solution manifold
Must choose an appropriate DE (embedding dimension)
Increase DE until topology of attractor (dimension)
Or use the method of false nearest neighbors
Must choose an appropriate Dt
for sampling a flow
Summary of Important Dimensions
Configuration (or state) space (number of independent dynamical
Solution manifold (the space in which the solution "lives" - an
Attractor dimension (fractional if it's a strange attractor)
Kaplan-Yorke (Lyapunov) dimension
Hausdorff dimension
Cover dimension
Similarity dimension (see below)
Capacity dimension (see below)
Information dimension
Correlation dimension (next week)
... (infinitely many more)
Observable (1-D for a univariate (scalar) time series: Xi)
Reconstructed (time-delayed) state space (can be chosen arbitrarily)
Time-delayed embedding (the minimum time-delayed state space that
preserves the topology of the solution)
Nonlinear Prediction
There are many forecasting (prediction) methods
Conventional linear prediction methods apply in the time domain
Fit the data to some function of time and evaluate it
The function of time may be nonlinear
The dynamics are usually assumed to be linear
Linear equations can have oscillatory or exponential solutions
Nonlinear methods usually apply in state space
Example (predicting next term in Hénon map - HW #
We know Xn+1 = 1 - CXn2
+ BXn-1
In a 2-D embedding, the next value is unique
Find M nearest points in Xn-Xn-1
Calculate their average displacement: DX
= <Xn+1 - Xn>
Use DX to predict next value in
time series
Repeat as necessary to get future time steps
Sensitive dependence will eventually spoil the method
Method does not necessary keep you on the attractor (but could be
modified to do so)
Growth of prediction error crudely gives the Lyapunov exponent
Example (Hénon map average error):
If LE = 0.604 bits/iterations, error should double every 1.7 iterations
Saturation occurs after error grows sufficiently
Prediction methods can also remove some noise
Predict all points not just next point
Can be used to produce an arbitrarily long time series
This is useful for calculating LE, dimension, etc.
Gives an accurate answer to an approximate model
Example: Hénon map with noise,
using SVD
Need to choose DE and M optimally
Alternate related method is to construct f(Xn,
This improves noise reduction but is less accurate
The solution can eventually walk off the attractor
Best method is to make a local function approximation
Usually linear or quadratic functions are used
This offers best of both worlds but is hard to implement
and slow
Case study - 20% drop in S&P500 on 10/19/87 ("Black Monday')
Could this drop have been predicted?
Consider 3000 previous trading days (~ 15 years of data)
Note that the 20% drop was unprecedented
Three predictors:
Linear (ARMA)
Principle component analysis (PCA or SVD)
Artificial neural net (essentially state-space averaging)
The method above predicts a slight rise (not shown)
The stock market has little if any determinism
Lyapunov Exponent of
Experimental Data
We previously calculated largest LE from known equations
Getting the LE from experimental data is much more difficult (canned
routines are recommended - See Wolf)
Finding a value for LE may not be very useful
Noise and chaos both have positive LEs (LE = infinity
for white noise)
Quasi-linear dynamics have zero LE, but there are better
ways to detect it (look for discrete power spectrum)
Inpossible to distinguish zero LE from very small positive LE
The value obtained is usually not very accurate
Conceptually, it's easy to see what to do:
Find two nearby points in a suitably chosen embedding DE
Follow them a while and calculate <log(rate of separation)>
Repeat with other nearby points until you get a good average
There are many practical difficulties:
How close do the points have to be?
What if they are spuriously close because of noise?
What if they are not oriented in the right direction?
How far can they safely separate?
What do you do when they get too far apart?
How many pairs must be followed?
How do you choose the proper embedding?
It's especially hard to get exponents other than the largest
The sum of the positive exponents is called the entropy
Hurst Exponent (skip
this if time is short)
Consider a 1-D random walk
Start at X0 = 0
Repeatedly flip a (2-sided) coin (N times)
Move 1 step East on heads
Move 1 step West on tails
<X> = 0, <X2> = N after
steps of size 1
N = 1: E = 1, W = 1, <X2> = 1
N = 2: EE = WW = 2, EW = WE = 0, <X2>
= 2
N = 3: EEE = WWW = 3, other 6 = 1, <X2>
= 3
etc... <X2> = N
Numerically generated random walk (2000 coin flips):

Extend to 2-D random walk
Start at R0 = 0 (X0 = Y0
= 0)
Repeatedly flip a 4-sided coin (N times)
Move 1 step N, S, E, or W respectively
<R> = 0, <R2> = N after
steps of size 1
Animation shows Rrms = <R2>1/2
= (DR)t1/2
Result is general
Applies to any dimension
Applies for any number of directions (if isotropic)
Applies for any step size (even a distribution of sizes)
However, coin flips must be uncorrelated ("white")
H = 1/2 is the Hurst exponent for this uncorrelated random
H > 1/2 means positive correlation of coin flips (persistence)
H < 1/2 means negative correlation of coin flips (anti-persistence)
The time series Xn has persistence for
> 0
Note ambiguity in definition of Hurst exponent
The steps are uncorrelated (white)
The path is highly correlated (Brownian motion)
Can get from one to the other by integrating or differentiating
I prefer to say Hurst exponent of white noise is zero,
and brown noise (1/f 2) is 0.5, but others disagree
With this convention, H = a/4 for
1/f a noise
Hurst exponent has same information as power law coefficient
If power spectrum is not a power law, no unique exponent
Calculation of Hurst exponent from experimental data is easy
Choice of embedding not critical (1-D usually OK)
Use each point in time series as an initial condition
Calculate average distance d (= |X - X0|)
versus t
Plot log(d) versus log(t) and take slope
Example #1 (Hurst exponent of brown noise):
Example #2 (Hurst exponent of Lorenz
Capacity Dimension
The most direct indication of chaos is a strange attractor
Strange attractors will generally have a low, non-integer dimension
There are many ways to define and calculate the dimension
We already encountered the Kaplan-Yorke dimension, but it requires
knowledge of all the Lyapunov exponents
Most calculations depend on the fact that amount of "stuff" M scales
as dD where d is the linear size of a "box"
Hence D = d log(M) / d log(d) [i.e.,
is the slope of log(M) versus log(d)]
One example is the capacity dimension (D0)
Closely related to the Hausdorff dimension or "cover dimension"
Consider data representing a line and a surface embedded
in 2-D
The number of squares N of size d required to cover the line
(1-D) is proportional to 1/d
The number of squares N of size d required to cover the surface
(2-D) is proportional to 1/d2
The number of squares N of size d required to cover a fractal
(dimension D0) is proportional to 1/dD0
Hence the fractal dimension is given by D0
= d log(N) / d log(1/d)
This is equivalent to D0 = -d log(N)
/ d log(d)
Plot log(N) versus log(d) and take the (negative)
to get D0
More typically D0 is calculated using a grid of fixed
Example (2000 data points from Hénon
map with DE = 2)
This derivative should be taken in the limit d --> 0
The idea can be generalized to DE > 2 using (hyper)cubes
Many data points are required to get a good result
The number required increases exponentially with D0
If 10 points are needed to define a line (1-D),
then 100 points are needed to define a surface (2-D),
and 1000 points are needed to define a volume (3-D), etc.
Examples of Fractals
There are many other ways to make fractals besides chaotic dynamics
They are worthy of study in their own right
They provide a new way of viewing the world
Fractal slide show (another "lecture within a lecture")
Some of these cases will be studied more later in the semester
Similarity Dimension
Easy to calculate dimension for exactly self-similar fractals
Example #1 (Sierpinski carpet):

Consists of 9 squares in a 3 x 3 array
Eight squares are self-similar squares and one is empty
Each time the linear scale is increased 3 x, the "stuff" increases 8 times
Hence, D = log(8) / log(3) = 1.892789261...
Note: Any base can be used for log since it involves a ratio
Example #2 (Koch curve):

Consists of 4 line segments: _/\_
Each factor of 3 increase in length adds 4 x the "stuff"
Hence, D = log(4) / log(3) = 1.261859507...
Example #3 (Triadic Cantor set):

Consists of three line segments _____ _____ _____
Two segments are self similar and one is empty
Each factor of 3 increase in length adds 2 x the "stuff"
Hence, D = log(2) / log(3) = 0.630929753
J. C. Sprott | Physics 505
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