Fig. 1. State space plots of the cases in Table
1 projected on the xy-plane.

Fig. 2. The largest Lyapunov exponent and bifurcation diagram of
case LE
1 showing a period-doubling route to chaos.

Fig. 3. Cross section of the basins of attraction of the two
attractors in the xz-plane at y = 0 for case LE
Initial conditions in the white region lead to unbounded orbits,
those in the red region lead to the strange attractor, and those
in the light blue region lead to the line equilibrium.

Fig. 4. Regions of different dynamic behavior in parameter space
for case LE
1. Light blue represents a static
equilibrium, and the black dots correspond to regions of chaos.
Each pixel uses a different random initial condition thereby
indicating the coexistence of static and chaotic attractors.